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Podcast - 2 Zillion-Year-Old Hippie. S List of Legal Entheogen Suppliers. Buy Superior Organic Entheogens and Ayahuasca Products for Botanical Collectors. Gnostic Media - Trivium Education, Study of Entheogens & Psychedelics, Shamanism, Religion, Mythology & Cults - Gnostic Media. Entheogens. Shamanism & Entheogens. Gnostic Media is the official website of author Jan Irvin. Here, the word "gnostic" simply pertains to knowledge [Greek gnosis, knowledge, from gignoskein, to know] and extends far beyond a study of what are commonly referred to as the "Gnostic Texts.

" I focus on ancient religions, shamanism, entheogens, fertility cults, and esoteric knowledge that has been suppressed over time and sculpted into the religions of the world, as well as politics, history and many other topics. Occult knowledge, held sacred to the religious elite, is now rising to the surface as more and more parallels are found between the controlling religions of the world and the native peoples left in their wake.

My mission is to produce multimedia reflecting this knowledge in the form of documentary films, podcasts, books, video blogs, etc. For more from Gnostic Media check out the weekly podcast at: Salvia Source - Salvia divinorum Cultivation Community. Ethnobotanicals. Welcome to