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How Twitter Dominates Brand Conversations. For all the fragmentation people talk about online, there’s one area that’s consolidating: Conversations about brands are happening on Twitter. In just a few years, Twitter has risen to become the go-to place for such brand chatter, leaving even Facebook in the dust. According to a study by Burson-Marsteller using Visible Technologies’ social monitoring tools, the global Fortune 100 were mentioned 10.4 million times online in a month — and more than half those were on Twitter.

That’s not only more than Facebook, it’s 10x more, as Facebook garners about 460,000 top-brand mentions per month. This isn’t lost on brands, who have set up rapid-reaction forces dedicated solely to Twitter. Delta Air Lines has the fastest average response time of 11 minutes via its @deltaassist handle. The question for Twitter is whether it can turn all this brand chatter into an ad business. The Top 20 Brands On Twitter, Ranked By Influence With Customers. My 9 daily “go to” Twitter tools. What Metrics Matter in Twitter and How You Track Them. While it seems that some people are obsessed with social media metrics, those metrics can be useful for gauging the success of your Twitter marketing efforts.

The problem is that there so many metrics that you can look at. There are only a handful of Twitter metrics that really matter. And they’re probably not the ones that you’d think about tracking. Let’s take a look at three of the more important Twitter metrics and how to track them. The Metrics that Matter If you look at only one metric, that metric is engagement. Another is your influence. Finally, don’t discount reach. You might be thinking that engagement, influence, and reach are the same. Tracking Those Metrics You have a list of metrics. The number of followers that you have isn’t an accurate measure of engagement. Another way to track your engagement is with the number of link clicks. Tracking your influence is fairly easy, but it can also be a bit misleading.

37 Ways to Use Twitter for Business. Business owners have a lot on their mind! They need to market the business, make sure customers are happy, ensure products and services are being produced and delivered on time and on budget, amongst dozens of other tasks. There are many things that may seem urgent and important, but these can distract you from doing those things that are not urgent but are important that can be lost in the noise and activity of the day to day “busy-ness”. So how do you set priorities and determine what is important for your focus and time? What is Important? The US President Eisenhower’s quote sums it up well. “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important” Stephen Covey the author of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” developed and popularized this with a matrix that provides busy people with a framework and tool to prioritize their time.

Image source: Sid Savara So How Can You Use Twitter for Business? Networking Research Marketing Personal Branding Customer Service.