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Ian Mitchell Twitter | Ian Mitchell Trending. Is the 1,9,90 Rule Outdated? The so-called 1% Rule has been around (as far as I can work out) since 2006 when it was mentioned in a blog post by Ben McConnell of the Church Of The Customer blog who talked about how "small groups of people often turn out to be the principal value creators of a democratized community". Shortly after that, usability expert Jakob Nielsen defined it further, describing the 'participation inequality' apparent in most online communities where the majority of users (90%) are 'lurkers' who don't contribute, a small minority (9%) contribute a little, and an even smaller minority (1%) of users account for almost all the action.

Over time, this seems to have morphed into a 'creators' (1% of people create content), 'editors' (9% edit or modify that content), and 'lurkers' (90% view the content without contributing) framework. Shortly after the BBC released these findings, GigaOm weighed in with a post saying that the Beeb had got it all wrong. I can see their point. The Future of Content? | mitchado about much. Erin Kissane gives a fascinating presentation of her thoughts on some of the missteps made so far by some brands, and suggests 3 qualities to strive for when creating content frameworks. She suggests that these provide a context for the usual references of UX and IA people, and those us marketing folk (useful, relevant, entertaining etc).

Namely: 1. Balance - harmonising seemingly opposing user needs, whilst leaving room for users to find their own uses for the content we create. An example of a balanced approach is Google’s home page – just a logo and and a search box (no ads!) , compared with Yahoo. 2. 3. Erin Kissane — Making sense of the (new) new content landscape from Together London on Vimeo. She makes this observation towards the end: This echoes strongly with Cory Doctorow’s quote (which I have referenced before, here) “Content isn’t King, Conversation is…….”

Or as Henry Jenkins puts it “The key is to produce something that pulls people together and gives them something to do” Q&A: Steffan Aquarone on online video best practice. Econsultancy has just published an updated version of its Online Video Best Practice Guide. The latest report reflects the evolution of online video from simply a 'nice-to-have' to a strategic marketing tool. We caught up with the report's author, Steffan Aquarone, to find out more about how the world of online video has changed since the last version of the guide, and what the future holds for this rapidly moving space. What has changed in the world of online video since the report Econsultancy published last year? Of course, the numbers have gone up. I've trained over 100 marketing professionals in online video strategy through Econsultancy this year and more brands than ever are using online video.

But the biggest qualitative shift is the strategic approach people are taking. How are those changes reflected in the Online Video Best Practice Guide? This year's Online Video Best Practice Guide is structured around two big strategic approaches: off-site engagement and on-site optimisation. 5 Brand Videos That Don’t Suck. Twice a week this month, Digiday will examine ways of “Improving Web Video.” We’ll cover both challenges and opportunities in online video and highlight brands and publishers getting it right. The series is made possible through the sponsorship of Vizu. Brands love video. The Web has produced some memorable brand efforts dating back to the release of BMW Films. It’s also produced its share of duds. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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