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"The Capitalist Threat" by George Soros. "The Capitalist Threat" by George SorosAtlantic Monthly, Volume 279, No. 2, February 1997 What kind of society do we want?

"The Capitalist Threat" by George Soros

"Let the free market decide! " is the often-heard response. That response, a prominent capitalist argues,undermines the very values on which open and democratic societies depend. OLED Microdisplays. Already the most power-efficient system solution for virtual imaging devices, eMagin’s OLED microdisplays based on the company’s new OLED-XL™ Technology feature significant improvements in efficiency luminance, operational lifetime, and reliability.

OLED Microdisplays

The new OLED-XL™ devices typically feature significantly longer (>2x) half life or exhibit at least twice the nominal luminance under the same drive condition. The new technology also improves on eMagin OLED microdisplays’ industry-leading power efficiency, depending on the specific OLED-XL™ product and operating parameters. Wearable Computers Are the Next Big Devices, Report Says. Collage by The New York Times The wearable computing wars are about to begin, says a report released Tuesday by Forrester Research.

Wearable Computers Are the Next Big Devices, Report Says

The report predicts that consumers will begin experimenting more with wearables over the coming year, specifically around health and fitness, navigation, social networking and gaming. This new theme among consumers will hasten big tech companies to begin creating wearable computing products. The Museum of Modern Betas. FGadgets.