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Diaro Online. Pema Chodron. In order to have compassion for others, we have to have compassion for ourselves.

Pema Chodron

In particular, to care about other people who are fearful, angry, jealous, overpowered by addictions of all kinds, arrogant, proud, miserly, selfish, mean —you name it— to have compassion and to care for these people, means not to run from the pain of finding these things in ourselves. In fact, one's whole attitude toward pain can change. Instead of fending it off and hiding from it, one could open one's heart and allow oneself to feel that pain, feel it as something that will soften and purify us and make us far more loving and kind. The tonglen practice is a method for connecting with suffering —ours and that which is all around us— everywhere we go. It is a method for overcoming fear of suffering and for dissolving the tightness of our heart.

We begin the practice by taking on the suffering of a person we know to be hurting and who we wish to help. Breathe in for all of us and breathe out for all of us. English to Sanskrit translation online & mobile.


Acim. For those students and visitors who find it electronically convenient and helpful to study and practice the Daily Lessons of A Course in Miracles, we're pleased to offer full Multimedia Lessons for you here on this site.


Students can read each lesson online and/or listen to the lesson being read. The Workbook Lessons of A Course in Miracles (Text and Audio) can be accessed in two ways: 1. You can get the Calendar Daily Lesson by by clicking on the "Calendar Daily Lesson" menu on the left. This will give you the lesson for that calendar date (i.e, on January 1, you will get Lesson 1, on January 2, you will get Lesson 2, etc.) 2.

An Introduction The introduction to the Workbook assures us that: "The exercises are very simple. As for the lessons themselves and this invitation to practice them, the introduction goes on to explain: "The purpose of the workbook is to train your mind in a systematic way to a different perception of everyone and everything in the world. "You do not walk alone.


Ask Me Anything Mondays: Taking Breaks. Ask Me Anything Mondays By Steven Pressfield | Published: February 10, 2014 Today, Lynn Barrett asks us … How do you know when you need a break?

Ask Me Anything Mondays: Taking Breaks

Steve: Are you asking me or yourself? Shawn: I’m asking you, and then I want to follow up because I have an idea, too. Steve: Okay. When in doubt, it’s Resistance. So, when you hear that voice in your head saying “Man, I need a break,” that’s Resistance in my opinion. I only take breaks when I’ve got real momentum going in a project. Shawn: I agree with you for the most part, especially the thing on once you’re giving it away for judgment. The only thing I would sort of, and I know you do this every day Steve, but I think a lot of people don’t, and that is: You know you need a break when you physically need a break. So, the one thing I would advise everyone, every day is get outside. Steve: That’s a good answer.


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