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Lucyinnovation's Blog | curious observations of life; how can we make a difference? BlueFrog Creative. Steve Lynch, in a personal capacity, argues that however honourable the motives, it is not a charity’s job to rebrand Africa. Oxfam's latest multimedia, multiplatform campaign, See Africa Differently, doesn't have any people in it. There are beautifully shot images of waterfalls, thriving markets, landscapes and mountains, but no actual people.

Have Oxfam gone into the tourism promotion business, or are they trying to make another point? Well, as Nick Futcher of Oxfam and the ads themselves tell us, Oxfam want us to make Africa 'famous for its epic landscapes, not hunger'. Another ad in the series moans that Africa is only ever in the news because of famine and war, rather than because 'of its abundant natural beauty’. Leaving aside the fact that nowhere is ever in the news because of ‘its abundant natural beauty’, where does the motivation for this approach come from? Firstly, it’s important to say that the desire to see Africa differently probably comes from a good place. P.S. Future Fundraising Now. ShiftLabs - Innovation for social change. Pamela Parker | August 26, 2004 | 0 Comments inShare0 The new features may be a sign of things to come in local search. Start-up PremierGuide has added social networking to its local and specialty search technology, in a move aimed at adding value to searches for local businesses.

PremierGuide 4.0, which is ASP software, allows searchers to review local businesses and join together in "friend-of-a-friend" networks. This allows users to filter search results based on whether they’re recommended -- either by strangers or by friends. Mountain View, Calif. The six-employee firm provides search technology; ad tracking and management systems; directory data; and potentially even ad sales -- all products and services designed to help clients court local and vertical search advertisers themselves, rather than cede them to Google Local or Yahoo Local. Though PremierGuide’s Lewis acknowledges the big players are a threat, he believes his clients have a good chance of getting a piece of the pie. Ross McCulloch - Digital Drivel.