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Email marketing

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10 great email marketing infographics. I've rounded up ten infographics on email marketing, covering delivery times, email landing pages, mobile email and more. Where possible, I've added the infographics to this post in a readable size, but for others you can click on the image to see a larger version... The best and worst times to send emails (pure360) Mobile email (eDialog) Anatomy of an Apple email (Flowtown) Email landing page checklist (unboounce) Email delivery checklist (pure360) 2010 email statistics (metia) Email irritations (ccloop) What spam is worth (New Scientist) An old one, but interesting. Evolution of email (Microsoft) The science of social timing (KISSmetrics)

E-permission marketing > Smart Insights Digital Marketing. It is now nearly 15 years since Seth Godin launched his permission marketing mantra. Yet it remains highly relevant – I still recommend newcomers to online marketing download and read his permission marketing principles. But how does permission marketing apply today? In this post I show examples of how digital marketers today are applying Permission marketing principles to their email marketing and social media marketing activities today. In his book, Godin explains the principles of using permission marketing both in the offline world and online world, but he doesn’t describe in detail how to best achieve permission marketing using web and e-mail.

For each of the core principles of permission marketing, I identify, define and illustrate my principles of ‘e-permission marketing’ which show how web,social, e-mail and offline communications can be best combined to achieve permission marketing online. Step 1. Subject line: Just one week left to enter to win a dream holiday! Step 2. Step 3. 1. Email marketing tips. Email Marketing Reports. 8 HTML Email Tips I Wish I’d Known Sooner. By Matt Pusateri ::: August 23, 2007 One of the challenges a designer faces when asked to create an HTML email is that, in many ways, they have to unlearn what they have learned about accessible, clean web design. As if designing web pages for multiple browsers and platform wasn’t tricky enough, designing for multiple email clients is worse. The problem is that not only do different desktop email clients like Outlook or Thunderbird render HTML email messages differently, popular webmail tools like Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, and Gmail all rewrite, change, and alter your code to fit it within their web-based email application.

Some disable CSS styles, some break any links to external stylesheets, and almost all of them will pick and choose between which CSS elements they will support, and which they will ignore. Clients already receive slick, cool-looking HTML email in their in-boxes… They don’t care about coding and compatibility problems — they just want something cool, too. 1. Yes, tables. 2.