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Alternative education

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The Curious Thinker Program. The program encourages a different approach to learning where scholarship and intellectual inquiry are important for reasons other than economic growth. The program is a place in which the founding principles of the earliest universities - to enhance knowledge and understanding of the physical world, human nature and all forms of human activity, to transmit and reinterpret the cultural and intellectual inheritance; to provide a space where speculative thought can be pursued, free from the obligations of financial value and give all those with enquiring minds the opportunity to be able to call on the expertise of academics, practitioners and innovators who are leaders in their respective areas of research.

As there is no fixed curriculum, learning is based on the idea of individual autonomy with each person deciding what and how they learn in a nonlinear, flexible and collaborative process. . • a letter outlining the applicants current practice • a resume • the names of two referees. Univproject [licensed for non-commercial use only] / The University Project.

The University Project: Five Reasons // Dougald's Blog. The University Project: Five Reasons In my first post today, I wrote about the puzzle of working out what I actually meant when I announced that I wanted to “start a new university”. Something that became clear to me only this week is that there are at least five different elements which I’ve been grouping together under the heading of the University Project. Up to now, I’d not made a clear distinction between these, and the result was pretty confusing — for myself, and probably for others. All of these elements are good, possible and by no means unconnected — but they don’t necessarily belong within the same timeframe. Also, this is only a personal list. Among the gang that has gathered around the project over the past six months, there are already other manifestations taking shape.

For now, here are the five elements which I’ve recognised — each of them, a reason why I’m committed to this project. 1. 2. Quite how this works in practice is something we’ll figure out as we go along. 3. 4. Dougald Hine | Speaking, Writing, Projects. In early 2011, I made an announcement: "I want to start a university. " Go around talking like this and you quickly discover how much hunger there is for something which people have looked for and found too rarely within the university as we know it. You also get asked what, exactly, you mean.

It seems to me now that one reason for making such a wild statement is to find that out: to discover what it means, through the conversations it opens up. The initial rush of 'The University Project' — the name given to it by my friend and co-conspirator Ben Vickers — came out of an invitation to help shape the Hub Westminster collaboration space in central London.

This begins as an enquiry into what constitutes the promise at the heart of the university, the social good for which it stands; combined with an exploration of the possibilities for finding or creating spaces that are more hospitable to the spirit of the university than many of the institutions we have known. School of Everything | Learn more. WikiQuals | Participatory Learning for Participatory Democracy. University of Openness. The University of Openess is a self-institution for independent research, collaboration and learning. URL = "What is the University of Openess? The uo is a framework in which individuals and organisations can persue their shared interest in emerging forms of cultural production and critical reflection such as unix, cartography, physical and collaborative research. Any member may start a faculty to socialise their research with the Uo. The uo: is a user led facility of learning and research with many temporary physical campuses, and one less temporary one at LimehouseTownHall, London, and many online presences.

Uo facilities include a media-lab, map room, library, wikis, a wireless industrial unit, and other distributed campus services. Listed here at Sister Universities "* The Manoa Free University : Sister Bureaus Sister Organisations.