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Razorfish: The Agency for Marketing, Experience & Enterprise Design for the Digital World. Home. The professional association for design. Huge | Global Digital Agency | Make Something You Love. Login Expired. Orman Clark’s Vertical Navigation Menu: The CSS3 Version. Next in the Orman Clark's coded PSD series is his awesome looking Vertical Navigation Menu.

We'll recreate it with CSS3 and jQuery while using the minimal amount of images possible. The only images we'll be using are for the icons - I'll be creating a sprite using a new tool called SpriteRight, but this is optional. Additionally, I'll be using GradientApp to create my CSS3 gradients, but again this is optional. Step 1: Basic HTML Markup Let's start off by throwing in some basic markup, an empty HTML5 document: And now the markup for our menu; an unordered list within a containing wrapper. Lastly, we create the submenus by placing an unordered list nested within each of our existing list items. Okay, there may seem a lot there but don't let it confuse you. I've also added a class to each list item, just so it'll make styling easier later on. Step 2: Fluid Fonts We'll first make sure our menu displays correctly.

Now to explain how the wrapper font size works. Step 3: Main Menu CSS Okay!

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