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Top 4 Online Places To Learn Digital Marketing Course Free: A Detailed Review - Why Content Curation Rules Social | Digital Marketing Institute. When it comes to using content curation on social media, the saying “everyone is doing it” is actually true. According to curation giant Curata, best-in-class marketers use a content marketing mix of 65% created content and 25% curated content, and nearly every business is doing some kind of curation.

In fact, the company’s benchmark back in 2014 showed that only 5% of businesses didn’t use curation tactics. So if curation is a basic need for marketing - why isn’t every company using it to its full potential? Many brands use content curation on their owned and operated websites and blogs to promote industry news stories, but social media is the marketing platform where curation happens most. Social media content curation takes place when a marketer filters through all of the interesting content online and shares the best news, video, images, etc. he/she finds online on a company’s social networks. Beyond the value content curation offers your customers, it can also benefit your brand. Neil Knowledge: Your Daily Dose of Marketing Training. Do you know what the easiest way to get more search traffic is?

It’s by translating your content into multiple languages. If you look at my traffic from the United States doesn’t even make up 50% of my traffic. This is due to the fact that I have expanded my blog into multiple languages. The majority of the world doesn’t speak English. Which means people are searching in other languages. The cool part about non-English speaking languages is that they aren’t that competitive on Google, yet they make up billions of searches. Search engines like Google are looking for more content to index and rank. If you want to automatically translate your content, then you can use WordPress plugins like Transposh. Once you translate your content, you want to use hreflang, which is a code that tells search engines and browsers where to direct people based on the language they speak. When translating your site don’t worry about duplicate content as search engines won’t penalize for this.


5 Steps to Crafting Your Social Media Marketing Plan #MarketingPlan. The following excerpt is from Robert W. Bly's book The Marketing Plan Handbook. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes Robert W. Bly explains how you can develop big-picture marketing plans for pennies on the dollar with his 12-step marketing plan. The first step to any social media marketing strategy is to establish objectives and goals that you hope to achieve. You don’t want to get carried away, however; too many goals are worse than none at all. Step two involves conducting a social media audit. Once you’ve audited your accounts, it’s time for step three, when you hone your online presence. Your consumers can be equally as inspiring, not only through the content they share but in the way they phrase their messages.

Here’s the essential truth of any social marketing plan: You need great content. What type(s) of content do you intend to post and promote via social media? Robert W. How To Use Google Analytics To Empower Your Marketing Decisions-Part I -