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Making HTTP calls in ActionScript 3 « The Kiwi Project. The lingua franca of the web is HTTP, and no programming language can claim to be a web-oriented language if it doesn’t fully support it.

Making HTTP calls in ActionScript 3 « The Kiwi Project

Custom APIs and modern protocols are increasingly being built on top of HTTP. Just as it’s rarely a good idea to invent a new XML language, it’s increasingly apparent that HTTP, and more broadly REST, is almost always the most appropriate foundation upon which to build new web APIs. So how does ActionScript 3 stack up in the area of HTTP support? I’ll (arbitrarily) give a score to AS3′s support for the core elements of a minimal HTTP implementation. Methods. - as3httpclient - Project Hosting on Google Code. HTTP Authentication for HTTP/GET requests using ActionScript 3. I am working on ActionScript3 API for Bloglines services, which requires HTTP Authentication for its two of the services.

HTTP Authentication for HTTP/GET requests using ActionScript 3

I was not able to set the header of a HTTP/GET request. Macromedia Flash Player allows you set the header only for POST requests. I discussed this issues with Ted Patrick and he told me how I can us Socket to achieve the desired and he was very kind to give a me code-snippet, which got me started. HTTP/1.1: Method Definitions.