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How Google+ Can Boost Your Business. Google’s algorithm that informs how search results are ranked constantly evolves.

How Google+ Can Boost Your Business

However, one element is clearly important: how your business fares on Google+. So in case 250 million users, 150 million of which are active, isn’t enough reason to entice you to incorporate Google+ into your company’s social media marketing, ranking higher in search results is definitely a reason to get involved. That and the fact that Google adds more than 10 million new users each month. While Google hasn’t come out and said exactly how Google+ figures into its SEO equation, social media experts have a pretty good idea of how it all works.

“Google is using the number of +1s, shares and general activity on Google+ as a ranking factor in the personal results of logged-in users,” said Mike Arnesen, senior SEO analyst at SwellPath. None of that means you have to go to Google+ to do anything. Then you have to build a fan base, in much the same way you would with Facebook or Twitter: through engaging others. 5 Creative Ways to Use LinkedIn Company Pages. Does your business have a LinkedIn company page?

5 Creative Ways to Use LinkedIn Company Pages

Have you noticed how other businesses are using LinkedIn lately? A number of larger brands are creatively using their LinkedIn company pages, and some of them are doing some cool things. Here are five brands using their LinkedIn company pages creatively. Check out what they are doing to learn how you can tell your story, generate leads and engage your communities through your LinkedIn page. #1: LinkedIn—Develop a Campaign Let’s start with LinkedIn. In many cases, LinkedIn’s company page status updates are tied to an ongoing, larger campaign. LinkedIn shared updates to create community dialogue. Seventy LinkedIn influencers contributed their answers to this question. What was great about this idea was that it has provided LinkedIn with a series of ongoing, fresh and interesting status updates for their company page. Here’s how to develop a campaign on your LinkedIn company page. Remember to ask your followers to answer your question as well.

Business Model Generation: Profitable, Creative Ways to Make Money. What do you think is the most powerful component of a successful and profitable business?

Business Model Generation: Profitable, Creative Ways to Make Money

You might say marketing or technology – but I think it’s the business model. When you think about all the companies that shifted and transformed how we consume products and services, you’ll notice that it was the creativity of the business model that made the difference – Blockbuster, Netflix, the Internet, Circue De Soleil and countless others that I’m sure you’ve thought of. I realized this a long time ago and have always looked for some kind of book or resource that would give me this magical list of business models that I could choose from. I never did find a good one – until now. About two weeks ago, I went into the local book store on a whim and was immediately grabbed by Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers by Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur. Just as I Suspected – There’s a Model for Developing a Business Model Do I Need to Read This Book?