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Memoirs of a Time Here-After. All the books in all the world could not contain all there is to know.

Memoirs of a Time Here-After

Benevolent mentors and custodians of wisdom are some of the hallmark characters of fantasy. Part mystic, part genius, the Sage is an essential driver of the Hero’s Journey, delegating the task of changing the world to their often younger, more naive and eager fellows. The Sage differs from the Creator in that they do not always use their knowledge to change the world, and very rarely do they desire to create something new––in this, the Sage might be closer to the Explorer. While the Explorer’s goals are outward, the Sage’s are inward. As I have mentioned in prior posts in this series, this collection of posts deals with the archetypes first put forth by psychiatrist Carl Jung, and the use of these archetypes in fiction. The Sage The Sage seeks nothing but the truth. Personal truth based on falsehood is one of the great fears of the Sage, and so they are always questioning what they know to be true.

Recommended Reading: Memoirs of a Time Here-After. Why brand archetypes are important to your business. The following is a guest post written by Jon Mowat.

Why brand archetypes are important to your business

His bio is at the end of the article. In his theory of collective unconscious, the psychologist Carl Jung describes archetypes as images and thoughts which have universal meanings and that transcend cultures, showing up as dreams, literature, art or even in religion. In the same way that human beings create these universal patterns and images that can fall into a number of archetypes, so brands too can uphold various characteristics that define them across cultures and can be seen as archetypes.

Brand archetypes are also extremely useful to marketers in ascertaining brand identity and positioning their strategies and approaches accordingly. Their identification and adoption is part of the process of laying out emotional appeals in marketing strategy, which stands in contrast to more logical marketing appeals, which are denoted by hard facts and competitive advantage. Treze – Branding. O TREZE é um estúdio e bar localizado no coração de Florianópolis.

Treze – Branding

Cansados da mesmice das casas noturnas em Floripa e a falta de um lugar onde o rock prevalece, os sócios decidiram idealizar o projeto. A marca é construída através dos conceitos de ruptura e liberdade materializados na figura do raio. O símbolo que criamos tem alta pregnância para funcionar nos mais diversos materiais do TREZE, podendo ser um elemento de interação em fotografias e cartazes.

Nós temos na nossa frente uma chance. Uma chance de nos levantarmos contra a indiferença dos dias que se repetem, indefinidamente. Etapas do projeto: Dna Empresarial, Pesquisa de Mercado, Pesquisa de Público, Plataforma de Marca, Tagline, Slogan, Marca Gráfica, Logo, Logotipo, Identidade Visual, Cartão De Visita, Camiseta e Cardápio.

Visionary - Archetypes. THE DESIGNER: Designers dress well, often in attractively pared-down ways; and they surround their homes and offices with objects that titillate and inspire.

Visionary - Archetypes

THE FUTURIST: Futurists have incredible minds and are tenacious about achieving their goals. THE ENTREPRENEUR: Often successful at an early age (at least these days), Entrepreneurs have a spirit of exploration and adventure that makes them inspired company. THE DIRECTOR: They don’t call directing “helming” for nothing. Directors, like sea captains, have to keep everything going at once while maintaining an almost supernatural cool. THE STRATEGIST: You see total picture and therefore solutions to problems. THE INTUITIVE: You see inside a person and you see the future. THE DETECTIVE: You see and sense extremely fine details that may ordinarily be missed.

Archetype Overview with brand examples & character compass. The 12 brand archetypes all successful businesses are built on. Successful brands have a strong sense of identity, one that mirrors the hopes and aspirations of their customers.

The 12 brand archetypes all successful businesses are built on

But finding your voice – especially as a small business – can be difficult. And expensive. Identifying your brand archetype from this list will save you time and money and connect you instantly to your audience. Why do so many films seem to have the exact same characters in them? The rugged action hero with a tortured past. These characters seem to pop up all the time in books and films – and in the ways we categorise real people too.

These all-too-familiar characters are called Jungian archetypes. Jungian archetypes have been adopted and examined by all sorts of groups. Branding houses will charge a premium to work out what personality types your target audience are likely to have. But it needn’t be complicated – explore the list below to finding a style that speaks to you. So, without further ado, here are the top 12 branding archetypes: Lover Archetype: Learn about Archetypes and take the Test.