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Dun Laoghaire Institute Art, Design & Technology

IADT is an Institute of Technology located in Dublin Ireland. It delivers programmes in arts,media,culture technology, humanities and business. The Library provides access to print and electronic resources

The Once and Future Library. To some librarians it must seem like a perfect storm: Budgets are being slashed, ebooks suddenly are outselling their print ancestors, electronic movies on demand are slowing over-the-counter DVD lending, and the general public can find answers to their basic reference-oriented questions online.

The Once and Future Library

In what history may well mark as an important milestone in how we live and learn, Amazon and the Association of American Publishers reported in spring 2011 that ebook sales had surpassed print for the first time. The former grew by triple-digit percentages from February 2010 to the same month this past year; the latter declined 25% in the same period. Besides librarians, architects are among the people most concerned about how, and how rapidly, such trends play out. Plans made a year ago for library additions or even modest renovations—never mind an entirely new building—are probably out of date. E-Book Finder.


Millenium OPAC Main Menu. OCLC WorldCat. IADT Logo. RFID Libraries. iPads in Education. Innovative Interfaces - Encore - Synergy. Set up Digital Media & Internet Business - Business Innovation Centre Ireland - Media Cube. Iadt. OCLC- WorldCat Local. Web Scale Discovery Tools (& Federated Search) Twitter in the Classroom.