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How to Prepare for International WordCamps. My first time to attend an international WordCamp was in Poland, which was held on November 15 – 16, where I learned a lot of things during my stay there and so I’ve decided to share my thoughts on how to prepare for WordCamps abroad.

How to Prepare for International WordCamps

Although this article is not the ultimate guide on what or how you should really be preparing for when attending a WordCamp overseas, I hope you find some tips here useful your future travels. Noon time in Warsaw. The Winds of Warsaw According to taxi drivers and WordCampers,”3° C is normal. We are experiencing quite a mild autumn here.” I never thought that it would be this cold here. The Power is in the Adapter It’s a struggle to have a dead battery especially when you’re travelling. Jet lag If you’re coming from far away, you are most likely to have a jet lag. Money and Mobile Apps Watch out for the exchange rates, so you won’t run out of cash. In Poland, you can buy a prepaid sim card for specific purposes – call, SMS or internet. Drink like a Local Like this: Wordpress facts & figures #infographic ... Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Statistics of WordPress #wordpress #SEO ... Pinterest.

WordPress Setup Packages. Projektowanie, pozycjonowanie stron www Wrocław – Mojito Networks. Pluginy do Wordpress – Top 12 niezbędnych wtyczek. S ama instalacja bloga w oparciu o oprogramowanie wordpress może się okazać niewystarczająca, aby nasz blog był w pełni funkcjonalny i dopasowany do naszych potrzeb. Warto jest, bowiem rozglądnąć się za wtyczkami do bloga, inaczej nazywanymi z języka angielskiego pluginami (plugins). W internecie można znaleźć tysiące pluginów do wordpress…. Nie polecam jednak instalowania wielu wtyczek, a jedynie takie, które potrzebujemy i będziemy używać od momentu ich instalacji. Zainstalowanie wielu wtyczek spowalnia funkcjonowanie bloga i może powodować konflikty pomiędzy wtyczkami, skutkujące złym funkcjonowaniem bloga.

Niezbędne pluginy do WordPress Nie jest sztuką zainstalowanie wielu wtyczek, ale znalezienie tych odpowiednich. 1. 2. Jeszcze lepszą wtyczką w tym zakresie jest WordPress SEO by Yoast . Jeżeli twoja strona czy blog korzystają z najlepszego na świecie frameworku SEO Thesis to rewelacyjne jest, że ni potrzebujesz żadnej z tych wtyczek. What's New in WordPress 3.4? Alternative Use of Google App Engine for Optimizing WordPress.

I was looking for a solution to optimize my site, in a very cheap way.

Alternative Use of Google App Engine for Optimizing WordPress

Often a Content Delivery Network is a good solution but not cheap, so I used Google App Engine as a CDN with Ubuntu. Step 0: A Little Bit of Theory Things like stylesheets, images and videos are often the major hit taken by a webserver when a webpage is loaded. It’s been proven that loading these assets from different domains helps the browser with multi-tasking, because it doesn’t have to wait until Asset 1 on the domain is loaded to start downloading Asset 2 on the same domain. There are a number of approaches to this, and in this tutorial we’ll analyze three of them. The First Approach Most people simply create sub-domains such as “”, “” and so on. This approach is useful, and there’s a noticeable difference in loading times. The Second Approach This consists of having a second webserver only to load assets while your main webserver deals with the other calls.

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