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Expertise. Education. Business. Startup. People-Concepts Networking. Today at Uni­ver­sity of Not­ting­ham, we de­ployed an alpha of the Peo­ple-Con­cept Net­work­ing plat­form pro­to­type.

People-Concepts Networking

It’s the alpha, so it doesn’t do a lot as yet and is re­leased only for in­ter­nal overview and test­ing of the basic in­fra­struc­ture. It is how­ever, an oc­ca­sion to dis­close what I am work­ing at now, along with an in­tro­duc­tion to some PCN the­ory. Dis­claimer: Like it says on the au­thor page, I work for UoN and Lab­o­ra­nova pro­ject, but I can­not speak for it of­fi­cially in this blog. These are my own views as a pro­ject in­sider and the other’s may dif­fer. Back story. ResumeRDF Ontology Specification. Specification Document - 10 Jan 2007 Latest version: Last update:

ResumeRDF Ontology Specification

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