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What's Wrong With "X Is Dead" - Science and Tech. Technologies die violent deaths less often than we think.

What's Wrong With "X Is Dead" - Science and Tech

This is the basic problem with the Chris Anderson-anchored Wired cover story, "The Web is Dead. " If you think about technology as a series of waves, each displacing the last, perhaps the rise of mobile apps would lead you to conclude that the browser-based web is a goner. But the browser-based web is not a goner. CIA adopting Web 2.0 tools amid resistance -, Phili. WASHINGTON ?

CIA adopting Web 2.0 tools amid resistance -, Phili

The CIA is adopting Web 2.0 tools such as blogs and collaborative wikis, but not without a struggle in an agency with an ingrained culture of secrecy, CIA officers said Friday. "We're still kind of in this early adoptive stage," said Sean Dennehy, a CIA analyst and self-described "evangelist" for Intellipedia, the US intelligence community's version of the popular user-curated online encyclopedia Wikipedia. "There's a lot of cultural issues we have to encounter with bringing this kind of open source ethos into the intelligence community," Dennehy said during a panel discussion organized by the Washington office of Internet giant Google. The Odds Are Increasing That Microsoft's Business Will Collapse.

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