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Is ‘electrosmog’ harming our health? - Health - Cancer. Opower, Facebook, NRDC Team Up on Energy Efficiency App. Just last week, we lamented that Energy Awareness month (that’s going on now, by the way) didn’t do much at all to increase awareness.

Opower, Facebook, NRDC Team Up on Energy Efficiency App

The critique didn’t offer links to more information, because sending people to clunky government websites is confusing, not enlightening. However, there are companies out there that are looking to empower people with accurate information, and Greentech Media covers them regularly. Besides, no one really wants to dig into their home energy use (and if they do, they’ve likely already had an audit) -- often, there’s just not enough time in the day between checking Facebook and playing Angry Birds. Now, energy efficiency is meeting the masses where they already are. Facebook is teaming up with Opower and the Natural Resources Defense Council to develop a social media app that will allow participating consumers to benchmark their energy use against similar homes, compare usage with friends, enter energy-savings competitions and share efficiency tips.

Opportunities Exist to Sell In-home Energy Management Solutions, Says Research Firm. There's a multi-year opportunity to install utility-independent energy monitoring and management systems like this eMonitor from Powerhouse Dynamics.

Opportunities Exist to Sell In-home Energy Management Solutions, Says Research Firm

In a recent report, research firm Parks Associates’ forecasts that for the next several years, more independent/non-utility residential energy management networks (IREMs) will exist than utility-based home area networks (HANs). The report, Home Area Networks: Analysis and Forecasts, predicts that by 2015, there will be 10 million independent residential energy management services versus 6 million put in place by utilities implementing smart grid programs. Powerhouse Dynamics: Energy Management by the Circuit. "Our goal is that no one comes to look at our dashboard," said Martin Flusberg, CEO of Powerhouse Dynamics said of his company's product.

Powerhouse Dynamics: Energy Management by the Circuit

Bold words indeed for a company entering the highly trafficked space of home energy management. Powerhouse Dynamics. Energy Conservation: Electricity savings tips for apartments. v1.2, Dec. 12, 2007, (v1.0 was Jan. 1, 2003) by Robert Levitt This page is important for all tenants, whether you pay your hydro electricity bill directly, or it is included in the rent, you still pay for electricity price increases.

Energy Conservation: Electricity savings tips for apartments

Under the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act, all tenants will eventually be forced to pay hydro electricity costs separately from their rents, (plus an extra fee to cover the cost of the special "smart meter"). Energy Conservation Tips. Energy Efficiency Reference/Residential/How to Reduce Energy Usage. Energy conservation is the practice of reducing the use of energy.

Energy Efficiency Reference/Residential/How to Reduce Energy Usage

Individual consumers can do numerous things to conserve energy and reduce home energy costs. Adopting just a few of these strategies can make a measurable difference in your overall energy usage, and the energy demands of the planet. Home energy usage[edit] General tips[edit] Choose energy-efficient home appliances, which have been designed with energy conservation in mind. Reduce heating costs[edit] Save electricity. Consumers charged at the Lifeline Tariff and who purchase up to 400 kWh per month on average will continue to receive the free basic supply of 50 kWh.

Save electricity

NOTE: The 400 kWh was determined from the average monthly consumption over any consecutive 12 month period. Before considering ways and means of reducing your electricity account one should first consider the cost of operating the various types of domestic appliances. The following table details the average cost of electricity consumed by various classes of electrical appliances and other consuming devices in the home. (Kindly note that all tariffs and costs indicated in this document are inclusive of VAT) Does it use more electricity to turn a TV off and on during the day rather than leaving it on throughout. Standby power.

In the past, standby power was largely a non-issue for users, electricity providers, manufacturers, and government regulators.

Standby power

In the first decade of the twenty-first century, awareness of the issue grew and it became an important consideration for all parties. Up to the middle of the decade, standby power was often several watts or even tens of watts per appliance. By 2010, regulations were in place in most developed countries restricting standby power of devices sold to one watt (and half that from 2013). Definition[edit] 90by2030. I can’t count the number of times I have had questions about the advantage of manually controlling a hot water geyser, in other words, to turn the geyser power off during the day and turn it on again in the evening.


So I decided to properly investigate this issue, and hopefully shed some light for those of you who have also wondered about this. A brief explanation of how your geyser works is necessary here for the “not-so-technical”. Your geyser is basically a big kettle – a container with an electric element inside. A geyser also has a thermostat, which is a device which continuously tries to keep the water inside at a specific temperature – a temperature which can be manually set. So if your thermostat is set to 60 degrees, and the water drops below this temperature, the element will be activated until the water temperature returns to 60 degrees. Answerit - Does switching off your geyser for a few hours a day cause damage? It will use more electricity 71 mths ago Depends on the geysers.

Answerit - Does switching off your geyser for a few hours a day cause damage?

The cheaper and older geysers' elements can break due to thermal shock this is the changes in temperature due the cooling and heating of the element.