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A3 & Kaizen: Here's How. Vacations Are A Necessity, Not A Luxury. Some people I know, when they are really stressed out, take an afternoon, evening or full day off. The next day, they are back to work. Others kick it for a weekend, and then dive back into the daily routine on Monday morning. I’m flipping through my mental rolodex of friends, associates and family and, to my horror, I realize that I don’t know anyone who really takes vacations.

“What?” You say. “I take vacations. I went white water rafting on the Snake River in Idaho for five days. I am sorry, amigos, but five or six days are a break, an experience, a change of scene and pace, but not a real vacation. A real vacation is at least two weeks. Talk to people from Europe (they will call it “holidays” and not “vacation” in Britain, but I swear it means the same thing). Here’s the truth, friends. Vacations or holidays are not just about getting away, although that’s the part that makes us smile. It is not easy to take a real vacation. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to get the meditation habit.


8 hábitos “saludables” que en realidad no lo son. ¿Sabías que muchas decisiones que tomas para mejorar tu salud, pueden hacerte daño a largo plazo? Y es que algunos hábitos considerados “saludables” por la sociedad, muchas veces no lo son tanto. Por ello, te invitamos a conocer cuáles son esas conductas que debes evitar, porque en realidad… son más malas que buenas. (Vía Woman’s Day) 1. Usar jabón desinfectante para manos, compulsivamente Si usas jabón gel desinfectante cada vez que tienes contacto con el mundo exterior, es mejor que dejes de hacerlo tan a menudo.

Si estás en un lugar propenso a los gérmenes como un hospital, desinfectar las manos es muy bueno, aseguró el doctor Richard Gallo, jefe de la División de Dermatología de la Universidad de California-San Diego. 2. Muchos han sentido la tentación de comprar cremas y sueros para la piel que prometen sacar unos años de encima y dejarnos el rostro tan terso como porcelana.

“Las mujeres se aburren fácilmente con su rutina de belleza, sobre todo si no ven resultados inmediatamente. Sitting is killing you – another reason to take a study break. We’ve told you to take a break, we’ve told you why taking a break can improve your concentration, we’ve told you how to take a study break, and we’ve told you to go on vacation, all to help you study more effectively. But, it turns out, taking a break (an active break), can help improve your health and add back 7 years to your life worth living. Why is this true? It turns out, sitting is bad for you. Yes, for all you students and office workers who spend the majority of your days sitting at the computer, sitting is killing you. Take a look at this inforgraphic posted on Lifehacker to see just how detrimental sitting is to your health. 7 impactantes datos sobre el azúcar que quizás no conocías. Es una de las sustancias más adictivas que podemos encontrar en la alimentación diaria, y que sin duda a una gran mayoría le encanta.

El azúcar está presente no sólo en los deliciosos dulces y pasteles, sino que en las comidas más comunes. Acá, una lista de 7 impactantes datos que quizás desconocías sobre esta sustancia (vía Shine Yahoo): 1- El azúcar no te hace engordar Si piensas que los helados que te has comido hasta ahora en el verano se irán directo a tus muslos, estás equivocado.

El azúcar no cambia automáticamente a grasa cuando llega a tu cuerpo, señala Tara Gidus, portavoz de la Asociación Americana de Dietética. Lo que causa el aumento de la grasa en el organismo es el exceso de calorías, provengan de galletas o zanahorias. 2- No todos los azúcares son iguales Todos los organismos responden al azúcar de manera diferente. 5- Puedes volverte adicto a ella Un dulce, un pastel… luego un helado y después un chocolate. Who Cares About Your Weight? The question, "Who cares about your weight? " is a little misleading. I'm not suggesting that your weight is unimportant. Obviously you care about your weight or you wouldn't be reading this, but other than yourself, who expresses concern about your weight? Is your spouse nagging you to lose weight?

If you read almost any diet book it tells you what to eat and what not to eat. When I was directing the Weight Control Program at Chico Community Hospital several participants told me about their spouses' unhelpful behaviors. Marilyn, another participant in the program, had been in the habit of talking about weight, eating, and diets with her sister. When I probed, both Sarah and Marilyn described how their weight loss had upset the usual patterns of their relationships. If you've been struggling with your weight, stop and think about the reactions of others. Remember, losing weight and maintaining the loss requires effort. 7 Health Benefits of a Cold Shower. As a kid, I was a big James Bond fan. Saw all the movies and read all the books. One thing I noticed about the book version of James Bond was that every time he took a shower, he would start off with the water nice and hot, and then turn it down to cold for the last few minutes.

Perhaps this little detail of Bond’s personal bathing regimen was a subtle way for Ian Fleming to illustrate Bond’s Scottish ancestry, as this type of shower is commonly known as a “Scottish Shower.” Who knows. Being an impressionable kid, I started doing it too. Below we give a brief rundown on the benefits of the James Bond Shower. A Brief History of Cold Water Therapy “Nothing like sitting in an ice cold bath with nothing but my bare bum in it while reading the latest Dickens novel to invigorate and enliven the senses. James Bond wasn’t the first to enjoy the benefits of a shot of cold water.

The Spartans, hard-asses that they were, felt hot water was for the weak and unmanly. Those Finns are so crazy! Okay. How Does Exercise Affect Nerve Pain? Exercise helps to alleviate pain related to nerve damage (neuropathic pain) by reducing levels of certain inflammation-promoting factors, suggests an experimental study in the June issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia, official journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS). The results support exercise as a potentially useful nondrug treatment for neuropathic pain, and suggest that it may work by reducing inflammation-promoting substances called cytokines. The lead author was Yu-Wen Chen, PhD, of China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.

Exercise Reduces Nerve Pain and Cytokine Expression in Rats Neuropathic pain is a common and difficult-to-treat type of pain caused by nerve damage, seen in patients with trauma, diabetes, and other conditions. Phantom limb pain after amputation is an example of neuropathic pain. Dr Chen and colleagues examined the effects of exercise on neuropathic pain induced by sciatic nerve injury in rats. Smarts: Four things worth learning about learning. {*style:<b>Read. Recall. Write. </b>*} Experiments show that the way most of us try to learn new material is inefficient. We read and reread a passage until we think we understand it. {*style:<b>Do it forward and backward </b>*}I usually hike through a forest preserve in a clockwise direction. {*style:<b>Test, Retest </b>*}People often study as subject until they can get 100% right on a test of their understanding of the subject.

Even more generally, good intentions alone are not enough. {*style:<b>Get to the theory behind the fact </b>*}Many people have a self-imposed learning disability : They focus on "just the facts. " Understanding the principle of compounding allows you to see that a very small change in the interest rate makes a huge difference over time and that when paying off a debt or saving money, a small change in the amount you add or subtract each month makes an enormous difference - pennies - in how quickly you reach your goal.

4 Reasons Why You Need To Take Cold Showers! Dog-associated house dust protects against respiratory infection linked to asthma. House dust from homes with dogs appears to protect against infection with a common respiratory virus that is associated with the development of asthma in children. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, recenlty presented their findings at the 2012 General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. "In this study we found that feeding mice house dust from homes that have dogs present protected them against a childhood airway infectious agent, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV infection is common in infants and can manifest as mild to severe respiratory symptoms. Severe infection in infancy is associated with a higher risk of developing childhood asthma," says Kei Fujimura, a researcher on the study.

In the study Fujimura and her colleagues compared three groups of animals: Mice fed house dust from homes with dogs before being infected with RSV, mice infected with RSV without exposure to dust and a control group of mice not infected with RSV.