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Gundam Musou 3 - Kou vs Gato. Rigardo - Claymore Wiki. Rigardo was Claymore No. 2 of Isley's generation. Even though he was assigned the rank number two, he simply wouldn't accept that Isley hold the position as number one, telling him he wouldn't acknowledge being referred to as No. 2, as long as he and Isley hadn't crossed swords once. Etymology Edit "Rigardo" (Rigald or Rigaldo in some translations) is a transliteration of the Japanese "Rigarudo" (リガルド). "Rigardo" may have been derived from "Ricardo," a Hispanic variant of "Richard," a masculine proper name, from the Middle English Rycharde, from the Old French Richard, from the Old High German Ricohard, from the Proto-Germanic words rik meaning "ruler" and harthu meaning "hard.

" His nickname is "Silver-Eyed Lion King" in most translations. in Scene 56, Isley questioned Rigardo's maturity, calling him "銀眼の獅子王," or "Gin gan no shishiō," meaning "Silver-Eyed Lion King. " Appearance Human Edit Rigardo appeared as a man in his early 20's. Awakened Form Personality Abilities Biography History Isley Clare. Cazarrecompensas: Pagar por capturar delincuentes o la última locura de los políticos. “Hay muchos países, entre ellos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y otros más, que contemplan la posibilidad de que los particulares y el Estado ofrezcan recompensa en dinero a quienes puedan aportar información verídica que permita la captura de delincuentes peligrosos”, explica a Cambio21 el senador Alberto Espina (RN) sobre su polémica propuesta de pagar por descubrir a los delincuentes que hayan cometido algún atentado.

El representante RN por la Araucanía cuenta que el origen de su propuesta se originó en las declaraciones de un agricultor de la Araucanía, que ofreció un millón de pesos a quien entregara antecedentes para atrapar a delincuentes que cometan delitos en sus predios. El senador expone que su propuesta nada tiene que ver con el mundo mapuche o no mapuche, sino que se trata de buscar todos los medios legítimos para que se entregue información que resulte útil para detener a quienes cometen delitos. ¿Far West? ¿Paramilitares? Una vieja batalla “El delito no baja” The Wiki of Mana, the real Sanctuary for Mana / Seiken Densetsu fans! Characters, monsters, equipment and more! PATOLOGÍA, Universidad de Concepción. APOLLODORUS, THE LIBRARY 1. APOLLODORUS or (pseudo-Apollodorus) is the name traditionally given to the author of a Greek work known as The Library (or Bibliotheca), a compendium of myth sourced from old Greek epic and the plays of the Tragedians.

The work was traditionally ascribed to Apollodorus of Alexandria, a Greek scholar who flourished in the C2nd B.C., but his authorship is now dismissed. The work is generally believed to be a C2nd A.D. compilation. The two Loeb volumes of Apollodorus are still in print and available new at (click on image right for details). In addition to the translation the book contains the source Greek text and Frazer's copious introduction and footnotes. For some more recent translations of Apollodorus' Library and academic commentaries on the work see the booklist (right) . [1.1.2] After these, Earth bore him the Cyclopes, to wit, Arges, Steropes, Brontes3 of whom each had one eye on his forehead.

. [1.4.2] Apollo also slew Marsyas, the son of Olympus. Everything, By Everyone. Secuencia de fotos de mechakita. Ravenclaw. "Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,If you've a ready mind,Where those of wit and learning,Will always find their kind. " —The Sorting Hat[src] Traits "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure. " —Rowena Ravenclaw[src] Ravenclaw House prizes learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members.[4] Thus, many Ravenclaws tend to be academically motivated and talented students. Students in Ravenclaw can also be quirky and possess unusual intellectual interests. Reputation "I got into big trouble during my third year for duelling a Ravenclaw prefect who insisted that Bridget Wenlock had come from his house, not mine. " —A Hufflepuff with an intelligent witch in their house[src] According to Slytherin prefect Gemma Farley, Ravenclaws are so competitive when it comes to academic success that they are known to back stab each other, and likely other students, in order to get top marks.

Ravenclaw House appears to have little rivalry with the other houses, except in Quidditch. Common Room Head of House. Gryffindor. "You might belong in Gryffindor,Where dwell the brave at heart,Their daring, nerve and chivalrySet Gryffindors apart" —The Sorting Hat[src] Traits The Gryffindor house emphasises the traits of courage as well as "daring, nerve, and chivalry," and thus its members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. They can also be short-tempered. Notably, Gryffindor house contributed many members to Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix.

According to Phinaes Nigellus Black, members of other houses, particularly Slytherin, sometimes feel that Gryffindors engage in "pointless heroics. " Reputation Gryffindors and Slytherins have shared a fierce house rivalry since their founders, Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin, respectively, had a severe falling out over Slytherin's emphasis on blood purity. Overall, however, the houses of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tended to side with Gryffindor in its rivalry with Slytherin. —before the Battle of Hogwarts[src] Slytherin. "Or perhaps in Slytherin,You'll make your real friends,Those cunning folk use any means,To achieve their ends. " —The Sorting Hat[src] Traits and values Personality "You could be great, you know, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that. " —The Sorting Hat to Harry Potter[src] Slytherins tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented.

They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation.[9] This means that Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done. According to Albus Dumbledore, the qualities which Salazar valued in the students he chose included cleverness, resourcefulness, determination, and "a certain disregard for the rules. " Blood purity "I always knew Salazar Slytherin was a twisted old loony, but I never knew he started all this pure-blood stuff. —Ron Weasley expressing his claims about Slytherin's views. Reputation Common room. Hufflepuff. "You might belong in Hufflepuff,Where they are just and loyal,Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,And unafraid of toil" —The Sorting Hat[src] Hufflepuff is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. The emblematic animal is a badger, and yellow and black are its colours. Traits Students belonging to this house are known to be hard-working, friendly, loyal, honest and rather impartial. Hufflepuff appears to have the least rivalry with the other houses, except in Quidditch, although the Triwizard Tournament did temporarily put a great deal of strain on the relationship between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, due to unusual circumstances of the selection of both Gryffindor student Harry Potter and Hufflepuff student Cedric Diggory as Champions.

. — J. Gunjap | A Blog Updated Daily since April 7th 2011. Top 40 character design tips - Part 2: Human based characters | Blog | Computer Arts magazine. If you're looking for inspiration and advice for your own character creations then we have a little treat for you - yesterday we published 20 tips from some of the world's leading character designers in Top 40 character design tips - Part 1: Creature based characters. Now it's time for Part 2. Enjoy. 21. Think about proportions “Sexiness is a question of proportions, to some extent, so check you have a good rhythm between shoulders, breast, waist and hips. 22.

“Work your lines, and simplify them as much as you can: that’s my advice. 23. “Sketch, sketch and keep sketching. 24. “A good character is like a logo: it has to be concise and recognisable. 25. “Often, what makes appealing character design is shape variation, and positive and negative space. 26. “Story is paramount: if you know why you are drawing something, it tells you what to draw. 27. “A pared back design may feel like it will not have presence on screen. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Top 40 character design tips - Part 1: Animal based characters | Blog | Computer Arts magazine. Nothing comes from nothing. It’s an oldie but a goodie, and as far as character design goes, the final word. Characters require a story, a world and a purpose. Once you have this, ask yourself: what should his/her/its body plan be?

Are there teeth on show? What accessories are needed? There are, of course, a number of important techniques that can be applied to any design: keep things simple, always ensure you have a strong silhouette, start with general shapes and work towards detail. Here, we speak to a range of character artists, each exploring their own worlds using expressions unique to them. 01. “Take advantage of what psychologists know about how we react to each other – things like the baby-face effect and the five personality factors, which are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. 02. “Bring some contradictions to your characters. 03.

“Many of my illustrations have come from doodling. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Next Page: Don't... 11. 12. 20 character design tips. Gundam Century. ProgV's deviantART Gallery. Acorazado. Los acorazados fueron un símbolo de dominio naval y de sentimiento nacional, y durante décadas también un factor importante tanto en la diplomacia como en la estrategia militar.[2] A fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX tuvo lugar una carrera de armamento naval con la construcción de acorazados, exacerbada por la revolución del Dreadnought, que acabaría siendo una de las causas de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

En el transcurso de este conflicto la batalla de Jutlandia supuso el mayor choque de flotas de batalla compuestas por acorazados. Los tratados navales de las décadas de 1920 y 1930 limitaron el número de acorazados pero no acabaron con la evolución en su diseño. Los poderes del Eje y los Aliados desplegaron tanto acorazados antiguos como de reciente construcción durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. [editar] Buque de guerra ironclad[editar] Obuses explosivos[editar] Los cañones que disparaban obuses explosivos o incendiarios eran una gran amenaza para los barcos de madera. Armagedón. Armagedón para las distintas religiones[editar] Cristianismo[editar] La batalla del Armagedón es descrita en el Apocalipsis como anterior al llamado milenio. Los reyes de la tierra se reúnen en Megiddo para luchar contra el Cordero de Dios, pero son derrotados por Jesucristo y sus ángeles, arrojando por último la bestia que los comanda, junto con el falso profeta, al lago de fuego, mientras Satanás será atado en lo profundo del abismo por mil años.

(Ap. 16:16) Adventistas del Séptimo Día[editar] La Iglesia Adventistas del Séptimo Día consideran que Armagedón no es un sitio histórico, sino el fin de la persecución por parte del Rey del norte de Daniel 11 al pueblo de Dios, pues Megido es un valle y no un monte. Testigos de Jehová[editar] Según los testigos de Jehová el Armagedón no puede ser sencillamente un conflicto entre las naciones de la Tierra (por ejemplo, un "Armagedón Nuclear"), pues Apocalipsis 16:14 dice que “los reyes de toda la tierra habitada” son reunidos en Armagedón. Sól. "Los lobos persiguiendo a Sól y Máni" (1909) de J.

C. Dollman. Sól era, en la mitología nórdica, la Diosa del Sol, hija de Mundilfari y Glaur, y esposa de Glenr. Su nombre correspondiente en inglés antiguo es Sigel o Siȝel (/siyel/) y en protogermánico, *Sôwilô o *Saewelô. Descripción general del mito[editar] La diosa Sól cada día dirige su carroza a través de los cielos, tirada por dos corceles llamados Arvak y Alsvid. Sól también era llamada Sunna y Sunne, y a veces Frau Sunne, que son derivaciones de las palabras para Sol y Domingo en inglés antiguo. Edda poética[editar] Representación de Sól, su hija y el lobo Fenrir (1895) de Lorenz Frølich. La diosa se menciona varias veces en la Edda poética. En otra, la estrofa 45ª del Vafþrúðnismál, Odín le pregunta a Vafþrúðnir de donde vendrá otro Sol cuando Fenrir consiga alcanzar al actual Sol.

Edda prosaica[editar] Gylfaginning[editar] Skáldskaparmál[editar] Alegría de los dioses, amante de Glen se dirige a su divino santuario La runa sól[editar] Surtr. In Norse mythology, Surtr or Surtur (Old Norse "black"[1] or "the swarthy one"[2]) is an eldjötunn. Surtr is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In both sources, Surtr is foretold as being a major figure during the events of Ragnarök; carrying his bright sword, he will go to battle against the Æsir, he will do battle with the major god Freyr, and afterward the flames that he brings forth will engulf the Earth. His name also appears in the late Eddic poem Fjölsvinnsmál. In a book from the Prose Edda additional information is given about Surtr, including that he is stationed guarding the frontier of the fiery realm Múspell, that he will lead "Múspell's sons" to Ragnarök, and that he will defeat Freyr.

Attestations[edit] Poetic Edda[edit] Surtr is mentioned twice in the poem Völuspá, where a völva divulges information to the god Odin. Prose Edda[edit] Theories[edit]