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Lärmoduler för kollegialt lärande. Kollegialt lärande är en sammanfattande term för olika former av kompetensutveckling där lärare genom strukturerat samarbete tillägnar sig kunskap för att utveckla undervisningen.

Lärmoduler för kollegialt lärande

En av de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna för att utveckla undervisningen är att lärare tillsammans analyserar och utvärderar sin undervisning. Det innebär att diskutera undervisningssituationer och didaktiska frågor, att lyfta upp problem och svårigheter samt att kritiskt granska inte bara andras arbete utan även sitt eget. Detta skapar goda förutsättningar för en utvecklad och förbättrad undervisning (Lä I en lärmodulscykel finner du de delar som behövs för att utveckla det som benämns som beprövad erfarenhet: Beprövad erfarenhet Skolan ska använda metoder och färdigheter som har stöd i beprövad erfarenhet.

Kontakta oss om du har frågor och meddela gärna om du upptäcker brutna länkar. SKA-strategin ledarskap handlar om kultur, överblick över pågående processer och kommunikation. Vad kan de redan? The community of teachers, researchers, and others interested in TPACK is diverse and growing.

There are a number of ways to interact with others about TPACK. In this post, we highlight four of the ways – 1) Facebook, 2) Twitter, 3) Mendeley, and 4) sections of the site – in which is involved with social media. If there are other ways you or others are discussing TPACK, we would love to hear about and share them here. Facebook A poll conducted on asked “Should there be a TPACK Facebook group or page?” Mendeley Mendeley is publication management software in which there is an active group. Twitter There is an active TPACK community on Twitter. In addition to the Facebook group, Twitter community, and the Mendeley group, the questions and answers section on is a good place to ask general questions about TPACK-related topics.

This is How to Use TPACK Model to Integrate Technology into Teaching. Kunskap i en digitaliserad värld. T.A and apples.

Kunskap i en digitaliserad värld

Fine art print 2011 © Johan Löfgren/bus 2012 Digitala teknologier är viktiga i det samhälle vi lever i. De är allestädes närvarande, i vår privata sfär och på de flesta arbetsplatser. De är redskap för att representera, lagra och kommunicera mänskliga erfarenheter och kunskaper och för nätverkande och socialt samspel. I de flesta barns och ungdomars liv ingår digitala teknologier som en naturlig del.

Detta har konsekvenser för utbildning. Satsningar på att införa digitala medier i skolan, kopplat till stora förhoppningar, är inte nya. Kan då dagens en-till-en-satsningar göra skillnad? Bloom’s Taxonomy: The 21st Century Version. So much have been written about Bloom’s taxonomy; one click in a search engine will flood your page with hundreds of articles all of which revolve around this taxonomy.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: The 21st Century Version

Only few are those who have tried to customize it to fit in the 21st century educational paradigm. As a fan of Bloom’s pedagogy and being a classroom practitioner, I always look for new ways to improve my learning and teaching, and honestly speaking , if you are a teacher/ educator and still do not understand Bloom’s taxonomy then you are missing out on a great educational resource. The following article is a summary and a fruit of my long painstaking research in the field of Bloom’s taxonomy.

The purpose is to help teachers grow professionally and provide them with a solid informational background on how to better understand and apply Bloom’s taxonomy in classrooms in the light of the new technological advances and innovations. 1 – The cognitive : The intellectual or knowledge based domain consisted of 6 levels . SAMR Model Explained Through Examples. SAMR is one of the relevant learning models teachers can use to effectively integrate technology in education.

SAMR Model Explained Through Examples

I have been doing some readings into it and have also posted a wide variety of articles and graphics on what teachers need to know to apply this model in their technology practices in the classroom. I invite you to check this section to access the resources I have compiled over the last couple of months. Today I am sharing with you a great Prezi presentation created by Jim Cash and entitled " SAMR Examples ". In this presentation, you will get to learn about some of the ways you can use SMAR model in each of its stages. Before you start reading the presentation, here is a refresher about SAMR model levels: 1- Redefinition tech allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable. 2-Modification Technology allows for significant task design 3- Augmentation Technology acts as a direct tool substitute, with functional improvements.

About EmergingEdTech – Learning About Emerging Education and Instructional Technologies and Sharing the Learning Journey. WelcomeWelcome to “EmergingEdTech”.

About EmergingEdTech – Learning About Emerging Education and Instructional Technologies and Sharing the Learning Journey

Properly implemented and supported instructional technologies and tools can help to make learning more engaging and more productive for students and teachers alike, improving learning outcomes and helping to prepare students for continued education and ultimately productive, successful careers. The nature of these technologies and tools and how they are being incorporate and embraced in teaching is constantly evolving, with new ideas and applications emerging every day. I’ve devoted many hours to learning more about this since I started this site in 2009 and I’ve been sharing this journey with readers like you. Come join the conversation!

Check out the EmergingEdTech introductory video! Each week, I research relevant topics and write a couple articles (at times accompanied by a video) providing information, insight, and/or opinion about those topics. Tony Vincent - Learning in Hand.