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Die Deutschen und soziale Netzwerke. State of Social Networks in Deutschland. SocialMedia Institute (SMI) Sie sind hier: Startseite > Allgemein > State of Social Networks in Deutschland State of Social Networks in Deutschland Nov 3, 14 • Allgemein, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, XING • No Comments • Weiterlesen » Statista und der TÜViT (TÜV NORD) haben die Social Networks Facebook, XING, LinkedIn und Google+ unter die Lupe genommen und im Hinblick auf Nutzung, Pflege untersucht und bewertet.

Überraschende Neuigkeiten sind wenige dabei. Einzig hat das gute “Wegkommen” von XING mit “Sponsor” Hubert Burda Media ein “Gschmäckle”. Folgende Infografik zeigt die Ergebnisse auf. Mehr Statistiken finden Sie bei Statista Eine aktuelle Übersicht an Social Media und Online Marketing Studien 2014 gibt es hier. Über den Autor Lars Kroll Lars Kroll arbeitet als Projektmanager Online und Social Media beim SocialMedia Institute.

Teile diesen Beitrag auf: Weiterführende Artikel: Tags: Deutschland, Germany, infografik, Social Media, social networks, State of, Vergleich Kommende Events Suche. Demystifying social media. Executives certainly know what social media is. After all, if Facebook users constituted a country, it would be the world’s third largest, behind China and India. Executives can even claim to know what makes social media so potent: its ability to amplify word-of-mouth effects. Yet the vast majority of executives have no idea how to harness social media’s power. Companies diligently establish Twitter feeds and branded Facebook pages, but few have a deep understanding of exactly how social media interacts with consumers to expand product and brand recognition, drive sales and profitability, and engender loyalty.

We believe there are two interrelated reasons why social media remains an enigma wrapped in a riddle for many executives, particularly nonmarketers. What we hope to do here is to demystify social media. In short, today’s chief executive can no longer treat social media as a side activity run solely by managers in marketing or public relations. The social consumer decision journey. SocialMedia Institute (SMI) | Liste der wichtigsten Social Media- und Marketing-Studien 2013. Liste der wichtigsten Social Media- und Marketing-Studien 2013. Auch in diesem Jahr sammeln wir wieder die relevantesten Studien / Trends / Analysen / etc. aus dem Social Media- und Marketing-Bereich 2013. Wir werden diese chronologisch absteigend ordnen. Die Liste der Social Media- und Marketing-Studien 2012 findet Ihr hier.

Und die aktuelle Liste für 2014 hier. Dezember 2013 November 2013 Oktober 2013 September 2013 August 2013 Juli 2013 Juni 2013 Mai 2013 April 2013 März 2013 Februar 2013 Januar 2013 *Datum entspricht nicht Veröffentlichungsdatum der Studien sondern, dem der Blogveröffentlichung. Mixed “Traue keiner Statistik, die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast.” – Liste nicht ganz Ernst zu nehmender Studien Kennt Ihr noch weitere hilfreiche Studien rund um Social Media und Online Marketing? Postet diese doch einfach in den Kommentaren oder schickt uns Euren Hinweis, wir erweitern gerne unsere Liste. Teile diesen Beitrag auf: The Best Social Media Campaigns by Brands « A lot has been changed in advertising world since we last shared this post with you on July 31, 2013. Therefore we decided to update it, as many eye-catching social media campaigns has been launched in recent time.

You can find the updated social media campaign at the end of this post. Do tell us what you think about this update and feel free to share any awesome social media campaign you have recently seen. Companies are learning to become media companies, creating original content on social media to gather fans. Social media is all about what’s happening right now and for brands to break the noise, it is important to remain relevant to the customer. This means having a central command center where posts and visuals can be easily approved by the company executives and pushed out in real time. It also means analysing your target audience closely and researching well to create a spark that people will talk about among their friends. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Tweet Me, Friend Me, Make Me Buy. Artwork: Chad Wys, She’s in Pieces, 2011, paint on found canvas and frame, 6.25" x 5.25" x 0.75" Not long ago a B2B rep for the virtual-meetings company PGi made the fastest sale of his career. One morning he contacted a CEO—someone who was no pushover, having had bad experiences with the type of product the rep sells. By late that afternoon he had a signed agreement. How did the rep pull off this feat? By using social media. Here’s the way it worked. The rep is a Twitter user. On the day in question, a message containing the term “web conferencing” caught his eye. It’s a great story, but perhaps not a surprising one.

What is surprising is that most sales managers are proving slow to recognize social media’s potential. Social media selling has risks, but sitting on the sidelines is the greatest risk of all. Certainly there are risks, but as customers increasingly engage with social media, sitting on the sidelines is the greatest risk of all. It’s Where the Customers Are.


Mind Consult - Neue Welten entdecken. Web Design and Web Application Development Company. Erfolgreiche Social Media Strategien für die Zukunft. Einloggen. 10 Thesen zur Zukunft von Social Media. Charts. Monitoring. Usage. Platforms. HOW TO: Build the Ultimate Social Media Resume. Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. Social media resumes are important for attracting hiring managers directly to you, without you having to submit your resume, blindly, to them.

The problem with submitting your resume online to job postings is that most job postings aren't even vacant, might not exist, and 80% of jobs offers are received through networking. With a social media resume, you're able to paint a completely different portrait of yourself for hiring managers and customize it to reflect your personal brand. With the inclusion of various multimedia elements, sharing options, integrated social networking feeds and the same elements you'd find in a traditional resume, you are better equipped for success. Social media has allowed us to reverse the recruiting process. Here is the social media resume process: 1. Options for websites Options for blogs 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.