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A Very High Percentage of INFPs are Gifted « intuitive * introverted * creative. I’m compelled to write – Many people are expressing an isolation that was explained to some degree by the MBTI.

A Very High Percentage of INFPs are Gifted « intuitive * introverted * creative

Please be aware that a very high percentage of gifted people are INFPs. Giftedness – a condition beyond simple intelligence – adds another layer of uniqueness that may be responsible for one’s feeling separate or disconnected. Gifted people view the world very differently. For example, they tend to have a finely tuned sense of right and wrong that results in a frequent state of moral indignation. Most often, this indignation is deemed by others to be an extreme response. A wonderful resource for gifted people – both children and adults – is Like this: Like Loading... Six Tips for Introverted Travelers. Lists: You don't have to be an extrovert to enjoy travel.

Six Tips for Introverted Travelers

Sophia Dembling explains. Photo by Sophia Dembling My essay Confessions of an Introverted Traveler drew a lot of feedback from fellow introverts tired of reading stories about others’ great experiences meeting people. Many who wrote told me they were worried that, because they were introverts, they simply weren’t cut out to travel. For anyone trying to decide if they should hit the road or just stay home where nobody will bother them, I thought I’d offer these six tips for introverted travelers. 1. I don’t often initiate conversations but I will talk to almost anyone who talks to me first. 2. A lot of times, random conversations lead to invitations to parties, to travel companionship, to meet others. 3. 4. In her book, Helgoe talks about the French term “flâneur” (feminine, “flâneuse”). Affirmations for Introverts. I'm all about self-affirmations this week. I covered affirmations for pessimists on another blog, now I'm thinking about affirmations for introverts .

Self-affirmations, when spoken aloud, can sound kind of silly. OK, sometimes they sound a little silly even when you say them silently to yourself. Introversion: The often forgotten factor impacting the gifted. Burruss, J.

Introversion: The often forgotten factor impacting the gifted

& Kaenzig, L. Virginia Association for the Gifted Vol. 21, No. 1 Fall 1999 In this article, Jill Burruss and Lisa Kaenzig define introversion and lists many of the characteristics of introverts. Suggestions are made on ways teachers can help introverts in the classroom and how families can help introverts at home. These are just some examples of introverted individuals. The Upside Of Being An Introvert (And Why Extroverts Are Overrated) Seen but not heard: the introverts in our classrooms. Author Susan Cain has made a loud splash with her new book Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.

Seen but not heard: the introverts in our classrooms

Introverts the world over have breathed a collective sigh of relief at Cain's reassurance that it is okay to choose a night at home with a good book over a dinner party invite, and that letting your phone go to voicemail doesn't necessarily make you a friendless misanthrope. Quiet celebrates the positive features of the introvert personality, while examining the way in which our society is geared up to celebrate and encourage extrovert personality traits. Introverts unite! (Quietly.) I am an introvert .

Introverts unite! (Quietly.)

And, like my fellow introverts, I am sorely misunderstood. Common wisdom says that America is a nation of extroverts and here, introversion is stigmatized. Parents worry about children who would rather play alone in their rooms than join the gang in the playground. Bookish teenagers are exhorted to break out of their shells. Adults are chastised if they would rather work alone than as team players. Phooey. I'm not shy , socially awkward or in any way (that I know of) socially inept. But the difference between extroverts and introverts is not that the former are good at socializing and the latter aren't. That describes me perfectly. I have been shamed many times for my loathing for the telephone (not uncommon for introverts), for my reliance on online interaction (ditto), and for my desire to leave parties shortly after arriving. We introverts often try to push against our nature , having bought into the myth that extroversion is better and that it's the American way.

Screening Out the Introverts - Advice. By William Pannapacker Some years ago I joined my students in taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a test to determine personality type.

Screening Out the Introverts - Advice

It was an assignment in a course I was teaching on vocational exploration. Assuming there would be an average distribution of results among the 20 students, I planned a series of small-group assignments in which they would discuss their own results for each of the test's personality dichotomies (e.g., thinking versus feeling). But a problem turned up immediately: Not one student had received an "I" for introversion. Everyone, it seemed, was an extrovert (Myers-Briggs spells it with an "a," like "extra").

Extroverts—if you accept such categories—are oriented outward, toward other people and toward action over reflection. I knew my students well enough to suspect that I was not the only one with that tendency.