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Huminivex Consultancy Introduces itself as a young, dynamic and high level human resource organization that is committed to performance, quality placements and results orientation. Contact Person : - +91-8200-852-548 Website:

The Proud Working Woman - Huminivex. Are you on the list of one who is thinking to quit a well-paid job because it may not help you to get the right groom?

The Proud Working Woman - Huminivex

Or maybe now you have a kid and you have more responsibilities to manage so working again is not at the top of the list? Well, before taking a decision, have a second thought on what a miracle you can make being a working woman. If you were the hiring manager - Huminivex. … & had to pick one person, who would you pick & why?

If you were the hiring manager - Huminivex

An organization took an interview of 4 candidates for a job opening for a manager role recently; 1. Scott was the best in terms of skills, but his behavior was arrogant. Human Resource Management & Soft Skill Training in Ahmedabad - Huminivex. Blog - Huminivex. Do We “rightly” Greet People Or It Has Become The Formality? - Huminivex. How do you greet, shows who you are.

Do We “rightly” Greet People Or It Has Become The Formality? - Huminivex

Few days back I was in elevator, 3 o’clock in noon and 1 person greeted another one, said Good Morning. And another person simply smiled back. Yes, we feel odd when we don’t get the response. Wishing a colleague Good Morning when we enter in office or saying Good Night to the dear ones has an important role in our life. A motivational morning or peaceful night starts with ourselves and driven by people around us. Sadly, these days, greeting people has become more of a formality than reality. So, here are the important points to remember before we greet people- Watch the Watch – It is important to aware about time of day before we greet people. Smile – Greeting shall not be a formality, when you greet, the words are coming from mouth but reflected on a face.

Eye Contact – Before greeting, establish an eye contact with a person, this builds the trust. Handshake – the handshake is a sign of strong personality. Coaching To Candidates.! – Interview Skills - Huminivex. What exactly you shall look for while looking for your first job?

Coaching To Candidates.! – Interview Skills - Huminivex

It was late evening & a guy came to me, we started a conversation. I realized he was just a fresh graduate from one of US University & he was in India for a short break. I asked him how he spends his time and he said, “I am reading some books on how to crack the interviews”. I said ok. Though he said he was not sure where exactly he wanted to go in his career. Later, he asked me that being HR, what I observed in him in this short conversation. Know How to Get Your Dream Job - Huminivex. How adding up one line can help a recruiter to give you a better job?

Know How to Get Your Dream Job - Huminivex

In reference to my previous post, it is always challenging for a recruiter to reach a right candidate and most of the times, hiring takes place with lot of compromising. How Do Grapes Teach Us To Get Social - Huminivex. When you talk about being social, think of bunches of Grapes.

How Do Grapes Teach Us To Get Social - Huminivex

Gone are the days when Kids used to play outdoor activities. Time has changed and kids are getting smarter with help of smart devices. They have forgotten what they are missing. More important, what is the importance of Friends and Family in our life. The following story will elaborate the important of getting social. Days back in summer, while passing through the market, I saw two vendors selling Grapes. To find out a reason, I decided to get close and this is what I saw.

Both vendors seemed to have an equal quality of grapes. Looking at bunches of Grapes, customers were more attracted to buy those Grapes assuming it must be with the good quality, ignoring another vendor, though he had the same quality of grapes. Together, even the bunch of Grapes looked fresh and healthier. Soft Skill Development Program – College to Corporate - Huminivex.

A Hidden Message From Employer To Candidate. - Huminivex. Do this and increase your chance to get hired ..!!

A Hidden Message From Employer To Candidate. - Huminivex

Doesn’t matter whether or not you are employed, you would not like to wait for days (or may be months) to hear back from a recruiter after an interview. In most of the cases, “waiting” is the only thing you do. Coaching To Candidates .! - Huminivex. HR – Human Resource as my profession and an interviewer as a role, I have met thousands of candidates in my career.

Coaching To Candidates .! - Huminivex

And despite of taking an interview, I always use to opt for the conversation with candidate. Many times, it happened when candidate truly open up with the problems they are facing, whether personal or professional behind the job change. I remember a candidate who came up for the interview few years back. While I was talking to him, I realized that some or other way he was not right fit for the organization. So I decided, rather than being HR and reject him, I should become a coach to him, guide him where he was wrong and what he can do to make his career better and go ahead with other opportunity. I did not realize the outcome of this until he reached me back few months later and thanked me. Since then, I realized the importance of coaching.