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Doctor Who Online - Features - Articles. Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who wiki. Ibishtar: On the significance of Clara's birthdate - meta and speculation. "Nothing is truly forgotten.

ibishtar: On the significance of Clara's birthdate - meta and speculation

And if it can be remembered, it can be brought back. " -The Doctor, The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang "Remember me, for we shall meet again" -Clara's tombstone, The Snowmen. Bystander_3: 'Doctor-less Who' AU. In the episode The Big Bang, the Doctor falls into a crack in time and is erased from history so that he never existed.

bystander_3: 'Doctor-less Who' AU

However, the planet Earth goes on existing safe and sound, despite the fact that the Doctor saved the Earth and the entire Universe from destruction multiple times in its history. Recently I began to wonder how this is possible. The last time we saw an alternate timeline without the Doctor (in the episode Turn Left), terrible disasters occurred because the Doctor wasn't there to stop them.

However, when someone is swallowed up by a crack in time, the universe does it's best to fill the gap as best it can.