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32 Animated Videos by Wireless Philosophy Teach You the Essentials of Critical Thinking. Do you know someone whose arguments consist of baldly specious reasoning, hopelessly confused categories, archipelagos of logical fallacies buttressed by seawalls of cognitive biases?

32 Animated Videos by Wireless Philosophy Teach You the Essentials of Critical Thinking

Surely you do. Perhaps such a person would welcome some instruction on the properties of critical thinking and argumentation? Not likely? Well, just in case, you may wish to send them over to this series of Wireless Philosophy (or “WiPhi”) videos by philosophy instructor Geoff Pynn of Northern Illinois University and doctoral students Kelley Schiffman of Yale, Paul Henne of Duke, and several other philosophy and psychology graduates.

What is critical thinking? “A good reason for a belief,” Pynn says, “is one that makes it probable. In abductive arguments (or what are also called “inductive arguments”), above, we reason informally to the best, most probable explanation. Find more helpful resources in the Relateds below. Related Content: How to Spot Bullshit: A Primer by Princeton Philosopher Harry Frankfurt. Download 130 Free Philosophy Courses: Tools for Thinking About Life, Death & Everything Between. What is “Philosophy”?

Download 130 Free Philosophy Courses: Tools for Thinking About Life, Death & Everything Between

Yes, we know, the word comes from the Greek philosophia, which means “the love of wisdom.” This rote etymological definition does little, I think, to enhance our understanding of the subject, though it may describe the motivation of many a student. Like certain diseases, maybe philosophy is a spectrum, a collection of loosely related behaviors. Maybe a better question would be, “what are all the symptoms of this thing we call philosophy?” The medical metaphor is timely. Perhaps this sort of thing is just an empty provocation; after all, many logical positivists of the early 20th century also claimed to have invalidated large areas of philosophical inquiry by banishing every unclear concept to the dustbin. BHDADLCEI.pdf.


An encyclopedia of philosophy articles written by professional philosophers. Mitch Alexander, Author at Junkee. Glasgow University offers a Simpsons philosophy class – and it makes perfect sense. News that Glasgow University has launched a one-day course named D’oh!

Glasgow University offers a Simpsons philosophy class – and it makes perfect sense

The Simpsons Introduce Philosophy should not even raise an eyebrow. For nearly two decades, intellectuals and philosophers have been praising Matt Groening’s brilliant creation. As philosophy tutor John Donaldson, who will teach the new course, explains it, the show is “full of philosophical themes”. A scepticism persists that those who claim to see philosophical depth in The Simpsons are simply betraying our shallowness or having a laugh.

But far from there being anything paradoxical about a cartoon having philosophical substance, cartoons are actually the ideal artistic vehicle for philosophy. We use the phrase “cartoon cutout” to describe characters who lack the rich individuality of well-rounded literary creations. Take, for example, the classic episode Homer Badman, where the eponymous klutz ends up being accused of sexual harassment after clumsily snatching a gummy bear stuck to a woman’s jeans.

Enciclopedias y otr@s

Philosophy TV. El arte de injuriar: los insultos más hirientes en la historia de la filosofía. Antonio Gramsci (D. Levy, Canal Encuentro, 2016) L'invention du passeport universel. Tandis qu’au pôle Nord, l’explorateur Emmanuel Hussenet continue de mobiliser les citoyens autour de l’ile Hans, prenons la tangente pour retrouver Lucy et Jorge Orta, deux artistes plasticiens qui délivrent un passeport de citoyen de l’Antarctique.

L'invention du passeport universel

S’agit-il d’une énième entourloupe fiscale pour tennisman solvable ? Non. Le pôle Sud est une terre vierge, sans autochtones, qui est un bien commun de l’humanité. Depuis 1959 et le Traité sur l’Antarctique ratifié par 12 pays, le continent austral est soustrait à toute revendication territoriale, une décision confirmée en 1991 par le protocole de Madrid qui a rassemblé 32 pays autour de la préservation du « continent blanc ». « Notre projet “Antarctica World Passport” est né en 1995 à la Biennale de Venise, puis d’un ensemble d’expériences issues d’un voyage en Antarctique en 2007, » raconte Lucy Orta. Le couple binational formé par Lucy et Jorge Orta pourrait symboliser, à lui seul, cette chronique cosmopolitique. 2.

Eurochannel América del Sur. Zlazloj Zlizlek - Journal. Giorgio Gaber - Alguno era comunista (subtítulos en castellano) Epistemología Para Principiantes.pdf. Este sencillo pero poderoso cómic explica la fórmula de Séneca para vencer el miedo. El miedo es posiblemente una de las fuerzas psíquicas más poderosas, aunque no en el sentido en que quisiéramos.

Este sencillo pero poderoso cómic explica la fórmula de Séneca para vencer el miedo

El miedo nos frena, nos paraliza, nos angustia. En pocas palabras, impide que nos movamos. ¿Pero es posible no sentir miedo? Después de todo, es una emoción que forma parte de la existencia. El miedo es una de esas realidades que nos configuran y que condicionan nuestra manera de ser y estar en el mundo. A continuación compartimos una interpretación gráfica de una frase de Séneca al respecto del miedo, la cobardía y la debilidad. También en Pijama Surf: La vida nos parecerá breve si no hacemos lo que realmente deseamos (sobre un fragmento de Séneca)

Filosofía Noticias. Vol 78, No 2 (2016)

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