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Three Chess Tips that Will Change Your Game for Good! After reading these tips and strategies you will increase your chess win rate and ranking easily. Just by following these simple tips your chess game will be a lot more solid. So without further ado, here we go. 1. Control the center: It is vital that you take control of the center of the board at the beginning of each game you play. 2.

Pawn structure is very key to winning in chess. 3. Yes, I know it is common sense. Now if use all three of these simple tips in your game all at the same time, you will notice that most players under 1400 lack these simple tips. Dirty chess trick to win fast (Owen's Defense) Beginning Chess Lessons: Part 1 : What is Passing in a Chess Game. Chess Strategy for Chess Openings and Chess Principles.

The art of chess strategy consists of formulating a plan for the chess game, and of arranging the chess pieces to accomplish this plan in view of the opponent's best response. This chess strategy article will get any new chess player on the road to understanding correct chess opening strategy - how to control the chess board from move one. Introduction to Chess Strategy Beginning chess players discover very quickly that learning how the pieces move is the very tip of the tip of the chess playing iceberg.

It's usually sometime during the first several moves of their very first chess game that they find themselves saying, "What now? " We're going to provide you with some very simple, easy guidelines in chess strategy for playing the chess opening. We're not going to talk about specific openings or give you strings of moves to memorize; these will be some general chess strategy principles which you should think about when starting a chess game. Here's a simple example. Tips for Beginners. 10 best 'what NOT to do' tips in Chess. Available languages: Schach - Deutsch Шахматы - Русский Шахи - Українська Chess - English Ajedrez - Español Échecs - Français Scacchi - Italiano Sakk - Magyar Schaken - Nederlands Szachy - Polski Help us finish translating: My language is not listed We are working hard to make available in over 70 languages.

Check back over the year as we develop the technology to add more, and we will try our best to notify you when your language is ready for translating! Ten Chess Tips. Ten Top Tips (updated Jan 2011) by National Master Dan Heisman (610-649-0750)Main Chess Page - Articles Page - Dan's More Top Tips Page! - Lessons - Award-Winning Columns on How to Improve 1.The most important chess guideline: SAFETY: Keep all your pieces safe! (And consider taking opponent’s pieces that are not safe). For piece values, Bishops and Knights as worth about 3¼ pawns, Rooks 5, a Queen about 9.5.Having two Bishops when your opponent does not is called “the Bishop Pair” and is worth about an extra ½ pawn.

Winning a Rook for a Bishop or Knight is called winning The Exchange and is worth almost half a piece (Bishop or Knight). 2.The 2nd most important chess guideline: ACTIVITY: Make sure all your pieces are doing something all the time! 3.TAKE YOUR TIME – if world championship players always take several minutes to find a good move, what makes you think that you can find a better one faster? 7.When you are winning, think defense first!! ·Get ALL your pieces into play every game.