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Introducing the toktoktok project - Limpkin's blog. Hey guys! Here is the latest project I've been working on for one year now : toktoktok. And if you like it, I could really use your help First, have a look at the indiegogo campaign video I made for the occasion : Yes, you are seeing my face for the first time . So I'm gonna start by talking about the general toktoktok project idea: What is the Toktoktok Project? The Toktoktok project aims to create a simple, intuitive, and unified interface for all aspects of home automation. A Patent Free Idea! I went to the Institute of Intellectual Property in Bern, Switzerland (where Einstein was working), and found that this idea of knock detecting boxes has not been patented. ). So who is it made for and how can you use it? Toktoktok is made for everyone, as it is so simple to implement. ): this is for people (like me) that like watching films from their beds.... - simplify your life...

What is wonderful is that you only need to get one toktoktok box to start your toktoktok install. The audio part . . Electronic projects and Matlab - Limpkin's blog. I have to admit, I am usually not the biggest fan of interpreted languages and high level programming. But in this case, they were very convenient. This is thus a small article about what you can do in 3-4 hours with Matlab and a FTDI USB connectivity to your project. As an example, here is a project where my webcam output (well, kind of) gets displayed on my led matrix: For quite some time now, on my projects, I have been using Matlab for various data processing operations, picture conversions... and also communication with my embedded systems using FTDI USB to RS232 converters.

Nothing more convenient that a simple fread() and fwrite() to import/export your data to/from your computer! If you have read my blog, you may know that I have a 96*64 bi-color led matrix at my disposal. As you see, everything is pretty simple here. This result is obtained with only using Matlab pre-existing functions, leaving the door opened to additional improvements.


Iphone. Arduino. Gameboy. Atmega328p seul. Bonsoir,Il y a quelques jours, j'ai cru avoir "bousillé" mon arduino uno en faisant un programme qui bloquait le port série... bref, dans l'urgence de retrouver mon joujou, j'ai commandé 2 puces atmel328p ( Mon arduino étant finalement débloqué je me demandais quoi faire de ces puces...

Je suis sur un projet depuis quelque temps... ce projet nécéssitait 12 arduinos... CA FAIT CHER... j'avais finalement jeté mon dévolu sur l'arduino pro mini 5v qui coute 17€...Mais là, je pensais à un truc... Souvent, on voit des shémas d'arduino, ou l'on trouve juste l'atmega328 avec les différents composants branchés dessus (comme le fait le logiciel fritzing) Est ce que cela veut dire que l'ont peut programmer les atmega en les métant sur la carte arduino, puis les sortir, les coller à un cirucuit imprimé, en brochant les entrées et sorties directement sur l'atmega ???? J'ai un doute à cause de ça Merci d'avance pour vos réponses :$ Parts. Andbook! Preview available... Builders: selective laser sintering part 8: reciprocating laser cutter.

Hi folks, On Saturday afternoons, like any good grad student, I visit my parents place to do my laundry. While it's spinning around, my dad and I usually get up to some neat projects, and this is what we worked on this week. I've had an idea for a while that one might be able to build an inexpensive laser cutter using a 1 Watt IR laser diode, as opposed to the larger 20-100 Watt CO2 tubes traditionally in something like an Epilog laser cutter, using a bit of a trick. Traditionally laser cutters have a lot of power, and (to my knowledge) are generally fixed focus, meaning that the focal point -- the hottest portion of the cutting beam -- stays at a fixed depth relative to the material that you're cutting. Because commercial laser cutters have so much raw power, it doesn't so much matter that they're slightly out of focus at the top and bottom of the material -- even diverged, the beam still has enough power to cut.

The test rig is beautifully simple. Thanks for reading! Online Live Photo Streaming From Any SD Card Enabled Camera. I'm a software engineering student who's also passionate about photography so I wanted to combine the two interests in a fun project. What I ended up with is a web server that will automatically display photos to any connected browser as soon as a photo is taken with a digital camera. Now I want to teach you how to make it too!

I made this instructable for the Photography contest and I would really appreciate your vote if you think it's worthy (click the orange "vote" ribbon at the top right). Thanks! If you don't have much coding experience, dont panic! I will literally walk you through every line of code. It should only take about an hour. This Instructable makes use of an Eye-Fi SD card ($39.99 new) which does some of the work for us by wirelessly transferring photos from the camera to a computer or you can mimic the behavior of the Eye-Fi by pasting photos into a directory we'll create! So let's get started. Now we can start creating our server. Now we need to start the server again. Adobe/Art génératifs. Arts numériques. Art numérique. Puredata. Arduino. Dweez. DIY Electronics. Tmp/lab.