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The Human Condition

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Body Language Basics - Syncrat Publishing. Throughout history it has been an advantage if an individual can read body language.

Body Language Basics - Syncrat Publishing

Body language helps in everyday life from closing a business deal or trusting someone with your life, to recognising when someone is upset. Body language is the art of making an educated guess at a person’s feelings or intentions based on their posture, movement and positioning. To understand a person’s body language you need to take into account more than one aspect of their body language. Take tears for example. 10 Myths About Introverts. 10 Myths About Introverts By Carl King [ Translations: Spanish | German | Dutch | Italian ] I wrote this list in late-2008.

10 Myths About Introverts

Around that time, I was lucky enough to discover a book called, The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World. Strange (But Useful) Human Tricks.