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Couture. This week I tackled a sewing project that truly scared me.


A kind friend who is done having kids gave me her new-ish infant car seat. I am so glad I didn't have to buy one, but the old one was a little boyish: And a little boring. And I just couldn't get the idea of recovering it out of my crazy pregnant brain. I remembered how you carry these car seats everywhere for the first six months or so. But obviously I did it, because I'm posting about it. *SQUEAL*!! If you are thinking about recovering a car seat, I would say go for it... as long as you are a fearless seamstress. Reading Ashley's tutorial at Make It and Love It helped me get the main idea of what I needed to do. So you start by taking pictures and labeling everything. Be sure to get photos of all the tricky little areas where things come together or there are special sewing difficulties. Then you pick the entire thing apart. Then you use each of the pieces as a pattern to cut out new fabric.

Did it turn out perfectly? Liste des patrons. Make It et It Love. Watermark Tee. Hello U-Create readers!

Watermark Tee

I am so excited to be guest posting here today. It just so happens to be my first guest post and I'm still a little shocked that it's here at Ucreate, one of my favorite blogs! A little bit about me.. I'm from a little town called Keller, Texas. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University (whoop!). I'm working on my education degree and expect to be an elementary school teacher in just two short years. When I'm not busy studying for classes, I love to sew. I just started blogging in May and have already met all kinds of wonderful women, I hope you'll stop by and say hi too!

Watermark Tee Tutorial What I love about this project is that it's completely customizable. Materials: Elmer's Blue Gel Glue (it must be the blue gel, white won't work) Fabric Dye (RIT is my tried and true brand) A white cotton Tee, Tank, Dress etc. Tutorial: If you're unfamiliar with Batiking, it's a method of dyeing fabric in which you create a design with a dye- resist. Step 1: Prepare Step 2: Design. » Baby Shower: Favor Bag Contents. I bet you have all been on pins and needles just waiting for me to reveal what was in the favor bags, right?! » Baby Shower: Favor Bag Contents

Well, you are in luck! I will now show you what you would have found had you opened one of these bad boys up. Each person received a gray and white striped pencil, a bag of Mike & Ike’s, a mini notebook, and three patterned sheets of paper that we used for the games we played. Whenever I assemble favor bags I always like to include a cute pen or pencil that matches the theme so that it makes it easier to play games. I had been on the hunt for something that matched and scored when I found these pencils at Michaels in their $1 bins (8 for $1). I think they are so cute when they are all lined up! First of all, decide what size you want it to be. Téléchargeable, Débutant, Novice, Intermédiaire, Expert - Patrons. Tutoriels de couture. Coudre Coudre Mama!


Autre. Sac. Trousse et pochette.