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Midata - The government's midata project helps empower consumers' personal finance comparison choices by giving easier access to data held about them and getting it delivered in a more consistent format.

Midata -

Midata can... enable us to make better decisions as consumersProfessor Sir Nigel Shadbolt, chair of the midata programme Midata was launched in 2011 as a scheme feeding into the government's overriding programme of providing better information and protection for consumers.† It aims to encourage consumers to be more aware of their spending habits and how best to spend and place their money. This is done by getting businesses, consumer groups and regulators to make available the data they hold on consumers in standardised, safe, electronic and portable formats. The project could impact on almost any aspect of personal finance, but at the outset the government is focusing on: How Midata will affect business and consumers. As the government pushes private companies to release customer data under its Midata initiative, Computer Weekly looks at what this means for the digital economy and who stands to benefit most from this new form of "consumer empowerment".

How Midata will affect business and consumers

The government's Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has singled out energy companies, mobile phone firms, banks and payment companies as key organisations that should release customer data to allow consumers to make more informed decisions under its Midata initiative. Under the proposals, companies are being compelled to release data about consumption or transactions in an electronic machine-readable format on request. For example, energy companies will be encouraged to release data to consumers so they can make more informed decisions about which tariffs to use.

“The thought was this is going to be an absolute catalyst for new services, and we wanted to encourage the private sector to get more coordinated,” he said. What we learnt from the midata Innovation Lab. The midata Innovation Lab, part of the midata programme, has now come to an end.

What we learnt from the midata Innovation Lab

We launched the protype apps a couple of weeks ago and this week we have published the final report on the mIL conclusions. You can find the apps and the report on the lab website: The mIL was designed to be a practical learning experience that the wider midata programme could benefit from. The idea was that by creating apps and services that consumers and businesses could relate to it would help them understand what the midata programme was trying to achieve and highlight issues that needed practical solutions. Only time will tell if it has succeeded in that longer term ambition but for me there have been 3 key learnings that have come out of the mIL that will benefit us now: There are a huge number of possibilities from combining different data sets that are organised around an individual.

Major banks sign up to midata initiative on account switching. The UK Treasury and Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) said that Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, Nationwide, RBS, and Santander had signed the agreement with it and that it anticipated all current account providers making a similar commitment in future.

Major banks sign up to midata initiative on account switching

The departments said that the agreement would work in conjunction with the new Current Account Switching Service (CASS) that banks launched last autumn. It said that a new "comparison tool" is to be developed on the website to allow consumers to import their standardised account data and assess whether rival providers are offering them a better deal. "This is a major breakthrough in empowering consumers and increasing competition in High Street banking. The departments said that the commitment made by the banks was part of the UK government's 'midata' scheme. L’initiative Midata. Personal data - Providing better information and protection for consumers - Policies. The midata project works with businesses to give consumers better access to the electronic personal data that companies hold about them.

Personal data - Providing better information and protection for consumers - Policies

It also aims to give consumers greater control of their data. MyData/Midata : initiative britannique pour accéder, contrôler et exploiter ses données personnelles. MyData/Midata : initiative britannique pour accéder, contrôler et exploiter ses données personnelles.

MyData/Midata : initiative britannique pour accéder, contrôler et exploiter ses données personnelles

MyData : renverser la relation consommateur, concrètement. Par Daniel Kaplan le 20/09/11 | 14 commentaires | 5,961 lectures | Impression En 2010, dans l’ouvrage Informatique, Libertés, Identités, nous posions la question : “Que pourrais-je accomplir, moi, si je disposais, sous une forme réellement exploitable, des informations sur mes trajets et mes communications des années passées ?

MyData : renverser la relation consommateur, concrètement

Pas seulement pour contrôler ce que d’autres en font, mais pour les utiliser à mes propres fins ?” Début 2011, en présentant les résultats de l’expédition de la Fing sur la Confiance numérique, nous allions plus loin : “A terme, la règle doit être simple : si vous savez quelque chose sur moi, je dois posséder la même information et pouvoir l’exploiter.” Le 13 avril 2011, le gouvernement britannique a transformé ce qui n’était encore qu’une perspective hétérodoxe, fragilement appuyée sur un projet de recherche américain et une petite communauté d’innovateurs, en un programme d’ampleur nationale : MyData. “Consumer Empowerment” : nous l’avions rêvé, ils le font. The world's fastest-built data innovation lab creating the world's most interesting and varied datasets.