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How to Explain Scrum to Management| OpenView Labs. Glossary of Scrum Terms. The Sprint planning meeting is a negotiation between the team and the product owner about what the team will do during the next sprint. The product owner and all team members agree on a set of sprint goals, which is used to determine which product backlog items to commit from the uncommitted backlog to the sprint. Often new backlog items are defined during the meeting. This portion of the sprint planning meeting is time-boxed to four hours. Typically the team will then excuse the product owner from the room and break the backlog Items down into tasks. The product owner is expected to be on call during this phase (previously called the sprint definition meeting) for renegotiation or to answer questions that affect the time estimates.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting The sprint retrospective meeting is held at the end of every sprint after the sprint review meeting. The sprint retrospective should be time-boxed to three hours. Sprint Task Team Team Member Velocity Back to Top. Scrum Training Series: Free Scrum Master Training. Reference Card de Scrum | Scrum Reference Card. Print version Un Marco de Gestión Scrum es un marco de gestión para el desarrollo incremental de productos, valiéndose de uno o más equipos multi-funcionales, autoorganizados, de aproximadamente siete personas cada uno. Proporciona una estructura de roles, reuniones, reglas y artefactos. Los equipos son los responsables de crear y adaptar sus procesos dentro de este marco. Scrum utiliza iteraciones de longitud fija que se denominan Sprints, que son típicamente de dos semanas o 30 días de duración. Una Alternativa a la Cascada El enfoque incremental e iterativo de Scrum cambia las fases tradicionales del desarrollo en “cascada” por la capacidad de desarrollar un subconjunto de características de alto valor en primer lugar, incorporando feedback temprano.

Figura 1: el desarrollo tradicional en “cascada” depende de una perfecta comprensión de losrequisitos del producto desde el principio y un mínimo de errores en cada fase. ¿Haciendo Scrum o Pretendiendo Hacer Scrum? Product Owner ScrumMaster. Top Twelve Myths of Agile Development | Page 4. I deliver a lot of agile training courses and I give a lot of talks about agile. It sometimes surprises me that there are still people out there who haven't heard of agile or who only vaguely understand what it is. I guess that just demonstrates the size of the software development world. There are some questions that come up again and again that are the result of myths people have come to believe about agile. Consequently, I spend my time debunking these myths again and again.

I’ve been keeping a little list and there are a dozen reoccurring myths that seem to underlie various questions. I say "myths" because they all seem to come from either a partial understanding of agile or a complete misunderstanding of the methodology. 1. In fact, a close look at the report from the 1968 NATO conference on software engineering reveals some familiar ideas. "Through successive repetitions of this process of interlaced testing and design the model ultimately becomes the software system itself. 2. 3.

You Can Teach an Old PMO Agile Tricks. Agile at Scale with Scrum: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Summary: Come hear the story of how a business unit at one of the world's largest networking companies transitioned to Scrum in eighteen months. The good-more than forty teams in one part of the company moved quickly and are going gangbusters. The bad-an adjacent part failed in its transition. The ugly-if you're in a large company with globally distributed teams, it's not hard to torpedo Scrum adoption. Steve Spearman and Heather Gray describe Scrum adoption challenges for a multi-million line, monolithic system developed across multiple locations worldwide. They share the techniques and tools that helped them implement Scrum in just two project cycles and the reasons part of the company failed to make the leap.

Find out how they gained critical executive support, moved from component-based specialization to Scrum's generalizing specialists, found enough ScrumMasters, adjusted to twelve-hour time differences, and dealt with classical PMOs. My Team Is Agile, but My Organization Is Not! What Can I Do? Why Am I Always Getting Bad News in the Eleventh Hour? | Page 2. The Origins and Future of Scrum: An Interview with Ken Schwaber. Charles Suscheck: Ken, you've been in Scrum for long time; well over ten years. It's a really different way of looking at software development. What triggered your mind, in those early days, to shift from a predictive approach to an empirical approach? Ken Schwaber: I've been working with the ideas of Scrum for twenty-three years. Back then, we were building the first ALM tools in Burlington, MA, but the tools weren’t working very well. They were online and they weren't adopted. So we looked at a way to connect the methodology to the tools so that they would work better.

It was great, except I was using one of the early OO technologies and, at the same time, the customer was coming back with changes—new built-in capabilities or customizations. Turns out, we were trying to solve the same problems, so we started collaborating and found out we were doing pretty much the same thing. Ken: Well, the latest data from Forester says 92 percent of agile organizations are using Scrum. MacroMeasurementWhitepaper.pdf. 7 Obstacles to Enterprise Agility | Scrum Reference Card.

Print version I work with divisions of large companies that are struggling to become agile, starting with Scrum. While each organization is in a distinct business sector using different technology and management cultures, each one shares a common pathology, a kind of “giantism.” This article lists common obstacles to agility in large organizations and explores the possibility that the symptoms of giantism are entirely avoidable. At first glance, an organization’s challenges will appear to be “too much to do” or “not enough resources” or “changing business climate.”

Upon closer inspection, the root causes will turn out to be bad habits, unexamined reflexes and misconceptions. A division of a well-known company cited as a 1997 success story by a famous Scrum pioneer came to Danube Technologies, Inc. for help in 2009 because market forces revealed it was less agile than its competitors. Obstacle #1: Naive Resource Management It is naive to think of human beings as resources. Scrum Training Series: Free Scrum Master Training.

Find Scrum User Groups and Connect with the Scrum Community. What is Scrum? An Agile Framework for Completing Complex Projects. Learn about Scrum Development and the Agile Framework. Transitioning to Agile and Scrum requires a new mindset and overall cultural adjustments. And like all change, it doesn't come easy. But when teams and organizations fully commit to Scrum, they'll discover a new sense of flexibility, creativity, and inspiration — all of which will lead to greater results. Certified Scrum Coaches and Trainers and Scrum Alliance Registered Education Providers can help you navigate this transformative journey. About training Training can mean the difference between a team that truly embraces and understands Scrum and one that is just following a management directive. Certified Scrum Trainers and Registered Education Providers can help your team effectively make the transition. Certified Scrum Trainers (CSTs) play a vital role in Scrum Alliance.

About coaching Becoming more Agile with Scrum isn't something that happens overnight. Certified Scrum Coaches (CSCs) are experts in Scrum theory and practice. Your ScrumMaster needs a mentor. Why are so Many People Using Scrum? Scrum Alliance Shows Why. Scrum has streamlined software development — and professionals from around the world are starting to see the value of using Scrum. Of all the possible Agile frameworks used by companies, 66 percent are Scrum or Scrum variants.1 Why should you use Scrum? Scrum has the power to transform project management across every industry, every business, and even across life in general. By using Scrum, you’ll become more Agile, discovering how to react more quickly and respond more accurately to the inevitable change that comes your way. And by staying focused, collaborating, and communicating, you can accomplish what truly needs to be done — successfully.

Most important, Scrum is not unproven hype. It’s a solid and successful Agile framework that’s been applied to a variety of projects and teams. So whether you’re working on the next smartphone app, managing logistics for a store, or planning a charity event, you should take a closer look at using Scrum. 1 VersionOne.

Learn About Sprint Planning, Daily Standup, and Daily Scrum. Values from the Agile Manifesto Scrum is the best known of the Agile frameworks. It is the source of much of the thinking behind the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto, which forms a common basis for all of these approaches. The Agile Manifesto values apply directly to Scrum: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Scrum values All work performed in Scrum needs a firm foundation of values for the team's process and principles.

The Scrum framework Scrum is a framework for building a product. Scrum is also a team process that begins when stakeholders need a product. Scrum includes three essential artifacts: the product backlog, the sprint backlog, and the product increment. In addition, Scrum requires transparency within the team and with the stakeholders. Scrum also includes five activities or meetings. Scrum roles Product owner The product owner has responsibility for deciding what work will be done. Nonetheless, the product owner, in Scrum, is in a unique position. ¿Qué es Scrum? Un marco Agile para la realización de proyectos complejos. Scrum is an Agile framework for completing complex projects. Scrum originally was formalized for software development projects, but it works well for any complex, innovative scope of work.

The possibilities are endless. The Scrum framework is deceptively simple. The Scrum framework in 30 seconds A product owner creates a prioritized wish list called a product backlog. During sprint planning, the team pulls a small chunk from the top of that wish list, a sprint backlog, and decides how to implement those pieces. The team has a certain amount of time — a sprint (usually two to four weeks) — to complete its work, but it meets each day to assess its progress (daily Scrum). Beyond the sprint The cycle repeats until enough items in the product backlog have been completed, the budget is depleted, or a deadline arrives. Scrum is the leading agile development methodology, used by Fortune 500 companies around the world. Agile Journeyman: Command and Control vs. Agile. Top 10 Issues Implementing Agile (Okay, 14) | Kelly's Contemplation. February 28, 2011 by rkelly976 I really hope you have enjoyed this 3 part series focused on Agile concepts for the ‘traditional’ waterfall project managers.

I truly hope this has opened your eyes to the world of Agile and that you enjoyed the first two posts by Derek and Peter. Without delay, I want to get into to the last installment and guest contribution by Mark Levison. Mark brings over 20 years of experience to this post and is now a Certified Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach. Let’s get to it and don’t forget to share your thoughts, experiences, and questions.

I don’t want to talk at you, but with you. Mark… I’ve been practicing and coaching Agile in one guise or another for nearly a decade. Mindset change – when you catch yourself in the trap of saying “this is just like what we’re already doing except…” you’ve missed the key point. Mark is now an Certified Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach with Agile Pain Relief Consulting. Like this: Like Loading... Ten Reasons People Resist Change - Rosabeth Moss Kanter. By Rosabeth Moss Kanter | 12:00 PM September 25, 2012 Leadership is about change, but what is a leader to do when faced with ubiquitous resistance?

Resistance to change manifests itself in many ways, from foot-dragging and inertia to petty sabotage to outright rebellions. The best tool for leaders of change is to understand the predictable, universal sources of resistance in each situation and then strategize around them. Here are the ten I’ve found to be the most common. Loss of control. Change interferes with autonomy and can make people feel that they’ve lost control over their territory. Excess uncertainty. Surprise, surprise! Everything seems different. Loss of face. Concerns about competence. More work. Ripple effects. Past resentments. Sometimes the threat is real.

Although leaders can’t always make people feel comfortable with change, they can minimize discomfort. The Scrum but Test. Rational Team Concert for Scrum Projects : SCRUM como metodología. Metodología Ágil: Scrum 1. Introducción 2. ¿Qué es Scrum? 3. 4. 5. 6. “Tanto Scrum como Programación Extrema (XP) requieren que los equipos completen algún tipo de producto potencialmente liberable al final de cada iteración. Este enfoque en entregar código funcional cada poco tiempo significa que los equipos Scrum y XP no tienen tiempo para teorías. En Scrum se realizan entregas parciales y regulares del producto final, priorizadas por el beneficio que aportan al receptor del proyecto. Scrum también se utiliza para resolver situaciones en que no se está entregando al cliente lo que necesita, cuando las entregas se alargan demasiado, los costes se disparan o la calidad no es aceptable, cuando se necesita capacidad de reacción ante la competencia, cuando la moral de los equipos es baja y la rotación alta, cuando es necesario identificar y solucionar ineficiencias sistemáticamente o cuando se quiere trabajar utilizando un proceso especializado en el desarrollo de producto. 1. 2. 1. 2. 4.1.

Scrum Gathering BA 2012: Keynote de Alan Cyment - primera parte. Scrum Gathering BA 2012: Keynote de Alan Cyment - segunda parte. 10 good reasons to implement Scrum. There are many good reasons to work with Scrum. The 10 most important are listed here. 1. Competitiveness The requirements of the market change invariably faster and only the ones who are flexible and contemporary can react Time to Market and stay competitive and create themselves a competitive advantage. 2.

Develop what is needed Scrum allows the incremental development of features. 3. Transparency plays a great deal on various levels of Scrum. 4. Testing is an integrative component of Scrum at every sprint. 5. Regular releases establish the condition to recognize problems on time and react promptly. 6. The period of a project is usually fixed. 7. Scrum is not afraid of changes. 8. Scrum involves all the participants of the project. 9. In opposition to the widespread perspective, Scrum is very good for the development of complex systems and extensive or as the case may be long projects. 10. For more information feel free to contact us. How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps. 302 Moved.