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Free Crochet Pattern: Vanna's Choice® Amigurumi Penguin. Ideal Crochet Sphere (Mathematically!) with pattern. Whenever I have to crochet a sphere, I always pull out the tried and true method: increase by the same number of stitches each row for a little while, work the rows even for the middle bit, then decrease by the same number of stitches each row until you're finished. Once it's stuffed, this makes a decent sphere! Plus, it's a super easy pattern to remember. But it got me to thinking, how would I go about making an ideal sphere? After I got bored asking google, I threw a little bit of math at it. Turns out the the number of stitches in each row should scale with sin(theta), where theta is the polar angle.

These are two spheres that I made this way: I included the pattern for the 2 spheres at the end of this post. I found it tricky to figure out how to squeeze a weird number of increases into a row where they in no way fit evenly, so let me know how these patterns work out for you if you try these! Also, math is fun!

The Patterns: 20 Row Sphere: 26 Row Sphere: Download free amigurumi patterns. Yanaknits. Crochet Sock Monkey.