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How To Make Hair Grow Faster – and Other Healthy Hair Tips. By Alexis Wolfer We all want shiny, healthy, flowing hair. Sure, some of it is genetic and some of it has to do with how we treat it (the products we use, styling tools we rely on) but a lot of it also has to do with how you feed it. No, we’re not talking about DIY hair masks (although you can click here for that!). Rather, we’re talking about the foods you can eat to ensure your hair is as healthy, smooth and shiny as possible, from the inside out! According to the “ healthy hair experts ” at Infusium 23, eating a well balanced diet is the key to unlocking beautiful hair. Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-12 and iron, all of which keep hair lustrous and strong and the scalp well moisturized so hair doesn’t appear dull and dry. Dark green vegetables (think spinach and broccoli!) Beans are rich in protein and promote healthy hair growth. Nuts carry many benefits for hair! Poultry is a great source of protein.

Hair static solutions too! Still want more? 5 Foods You Have In Your Kitchen That Should Be In Your Hair. Baking soda should be in your hair if it has build-up.

5 Foods You Have In Your Kitchen That Should Be In Your Hair

Let’s make a pact today. You and me. From now on, when we have a beauty issue, we’ll look in the cabinets – first – before we run out and buy an expensive (or even bargain) product to fix us. And, I know, I know … there’s just something a little bit comforting about picking up a bottle of FancySchmancy-Make-You-Fabulous Potion; there’s some weird satisfaction in forking over your hard-earned money to feel hot. But there’s a new and better feeling from fixing it yourself — by rummaging through your kitchen. And don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s easier or less time consuming to snag a product from the shelf. Now, I’m here to get you started with your tresses. When I say “5 Foods You Have In Your Kitchen,” I mean “5 Foods That Are Still Left In My Kitchen,” because my produce drawer is really bare right now. At this point, I figure if I have these 5 things in my kitchen, you SURELY have them in yours. And we’re going to fix your hair.

Soda. Problems with Dry Hair? Moisturize it the Natural Way. Most of us have hair problems especially because it gets greasy and laden with dandruff almost immediately after it is washed.

Problems with Dry Hair? Moisturize it the Natural Way

The first rule for having a beautiful-looking hair that does not need so frequent washing is to try washing it twice or three times a week and not daily. It is not as hard as it seems, because what we don't know is that the more we wash our hair, the more rapidly it will grow oily. The oily substance that leads to greasy hair is called sebum and is produced by the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles traced in the scalp. We should not think that frequent wash of our hair will remove the sebum, because this is wrong: biologically, sebum has the role of protecting our hair from getting too dry or dehydrated and it also gives the hair's natural shine. When sebum is removed from the hair by washing, the sebaceous glands will produce an excessive amount of sebum in order to make up for the previous loss.