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כונן - Google Drive - השתלמות מחשבים. Docs Templates. Creating Interactive Google Presentations. GoogleDocs. Web Design with Google Sites: Google Sites Tutorial - Background and Favicon Design. VoTer | Mu's Worklog. Google form can be used to make vote or survey. However, it can not prevent multiple submission. So I wrote this script "voTer" to solve this problem. This script works best in the Google Apps, because it requires user "sign-in" to submit, and the "sign-in username" is the key. For each submission, the script will compare the "username" with previous recorded usernames. If the username is existed, then the new submission will be deleted.

At the same time, an email will be sent to that person for notification. Please do tailor the highlighted part in the script to fit your situation. All right, here is the code. // To use this code, you need to check "Require ORGANIZATION sign-in to view this form"; // and "Automatically collect respondent's ORGANIZATION username" // Also you need to add an "on form submit" trigger to this code // Change the email body according to your situation // Check out this video for detail information. Function voTer(){ var row = data[i];

Google Sites

Free creation of questionnaires, surveys, tests and polls! Picasa Web Albums: free photo sharing from Google. One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Picasa Web Albums Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google. מדריך גוגל דוקס - google docs - טפסים, שיתוף ועוד - אתר מדריכים: Apps for Education - Google Teacher Academy Resources.