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Acupressure. Formulas. Five Elements. Jing. Knife Massage. Movement of Chi. Yellow Emperor. Yin and Yang. The Difference between Aliens, Demons and Fallen Angels. The Difference Between Fallen Angels, Demons, Aliens, Jedi, and the Watchers By Sherry Shriner In these last days, the Bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and the mixture and corruption of human DNA by fallen angels, also known as "Aliens.

The Difference between Aliens, Demons and Fallen Angels

" The government is and has been, conditioning the existence of aliens through Hollywood, science fiction, cartoons, and other sources. However, they are not telling you the whole truth. Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorcerer. This is a great expose by the late Dr.

Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorcerer

E.L. Martin.