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Assad en Syrie

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'Iran will defend Syria, US & Israel should take that seriously' Syria: the story behind one of the most shocking images of the war. War in Syria: Caught in the middle. Syria. Syrian couple overcomes sectarian differences - Middle East. SYRIA 360° Revealing the Truth 23 Million Support Bashar Al Assad. Syrian Revolution Digest: Decomposition! Over the last few weeks, the momentum has clearly shifted in favor of the rebels, and barring setbacks and surprises, the liberation of the north and south will be completed by the summer.

Syrian Revolution Digest: Decomposition!

The battle for Damascus will continue to pick up steam, then, all hell will break loose along the coast and in central Syria. The fragmentation continues. Monday March 25, 2013 Today’s Death Toll: 102 martyrs, including 4 women, 11 children and 14 under torture: 33 in Damascus and Suburbs, 27 in Homs most of them in Abel village, 14 in Aleppo, 11 in Idlib, 9 in Hama, 5 in Daraa, 1 in Lattakia, 1 in Raqqa and 1 in Deir Ezzor (LCCs). Points of Random Shelling: 282 points. Bringing You The Latest News From The Heart Of The Syrian Revolution! Against the Zionist-Wahhabi media misleading. The Two Syrias: How design frames our perspective. Two weeks ago I was in Eastern Turkey working with the Center for Democracy and Civil Society in Syria.

The Two Syrias: How design frames our perspective

It was an amazing time that I will cherish and hope to relive soon. While I was there the Economist Magazine released their now “infamous” cover featuring the illustration below ( number 1). The concept is pretty straight forward – country imploding from civil war, destruction and fatalism. It is true that in the international sphere and from a geo-political perspective it seems pretty accurate. Knack : "Al-Assad blijft zeker aan... UNICEFBELGIE : In beeld: Zij die de oorlog... War in Syria: Caught in the middle. Assad to RT: 'I'm not Western puppet - I live and die in Syria' (EXCLUSIVE) Ibaabdo : Lees in Zemzem: 'Assad voert... Hunnego : 70.000 doden; de internationale... BNR_Nieuwsradio : VN diep gefrusteerd over oorlog... What if Assad Did the Right Thing? It’s tempting to rubberneck at the catastrophic ruination of Syria the way a child might stand all agog before a presentation of animatronic dinosaurs gobbling each other up like hot dogs at a ball game.

What if Assad Did the Right Thing?

It seems so atavistic, like a microcosm of legendary cultural implosions from the distant past, like the Visigoths storming Rome, treating its elegant stone buildings like a quarry, slaking their thirst with ale drunk from petrified skulls. We live, or at least we think we live, here in the West, in an advanced society.

Our every human step and misstep is Instagramed and Photoshopped for the inevitable Facebook share, a public post-mortem that smells really sweet. We’re living in a sci-fi world, a relatively benign one, not the post-apocalyptic kind, but the kind where humanity has figured out how to turn every individual life into a sound and light show for all our friends. Dejournalistiek : Journalist 100 dagen vermist... Volkskrant : Ontvoerde blauwhelmen Syrië:... RTLNieuwsnl : De VN-veiligheidsraad eist... Volkskrant : 'Een jihadist die terugkeert...

'Een jihadist die terugkeert uit Syrië, is niet opeens een competente terrorist' - opinie. RTLNieuwsnl : De Oekraïense journaliste... Nrc : Syrië en Iran veroordelen... MENewsflash : #Syrian Opposition: Russia... Syrian Opposition: Russia Should Cut Arms Supplies to Assad. MOSCOW, March 11 (RIA Novosti) – Russia should cut arms supplies to Damascus in order to pressure Syrian President Bashar al-Assad into negotiations with the opposition, members of Syrian moderate opposition said on Monday.

Syrian Opposition: Russia Should Cut Arms Supplies to Assad

“Russia has plenty of potential trump cards for negotiations that haven’t been played yet,” Raja al-Nasser, secretary-general of the Syrian National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change (NCC), said at a press conference in Moscow. Along with cutting arms supplies, means of influencing Assad’s regime include vetoing or approving “important international decisions,” Nasser said, when asked by RIA Novosti to elaborate. Moscow has admitted to supplying Assad’s forces with weapons and doing maintenance work for their military equipment, though claimed it did so under contracts made before unrest broke out in Syria in March 2011. NCC representatives will hold talks this week with US diplomats and the UN Envoy on Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, Manna said without elaborating.

Syria, Iran, Israel, America, Russia, EU, Turkey - Propaganda from all sides - Countdown to WWIII. Assad Pulls Ahead in Syrian War. Putin, Khamenei Are Co-Victors. 15,000 elite Iranian special-ops 'head' to Syria. Nieuwsheadline : 'Premier Libanon dient ontslag... ‘Premier Libanon dient ontslag in van kabinet’ – ‘oorlog in Syrië speelt mee’ De Libanese premier Najib Mikati tijdens een interview in Beiroet eerder deze maand.

‘Premier Libanon dient ontslag in van kabinet’ – ‘oorlog in Syrië speelt mee’

Archieffoto Reuters / Jamal Saidi Buitenland De Libanese premier Najib Mikati heeft het ontslag van zijn regering ingediend, meldt Reuters. The green movement of Iran supports the Syria's revolution. Iran-Syria. 'Iran & Russia next NATO targets after Syria' CustosDivini : Kerry Criticizes Iran and Russia... El_Grillo1 : Assad: Russia, Hezbollah, Iran... Assad: Russia, Hezbollah, Iran did not send troops. Kerry Criticizes Iran and Russia for Shipping Arms to Syria. Falasteeni : "narrative uses Iran, Hezbollah... Sectarian narratives promote troubling agendas, not justice - Opinion. Sectarianism is not simply a form of prejudice, but a way of thinking and speaking which, consciously or not, enables various unjust agendas.

Sectarian narratives promote troubling agendas, not justice - Opinion

The Syrian uprising, and the regional struggles in which it is enmeshed, show us how such a discourse can take on local and regional dimensions. Take, for example, Khalid Amayreh's October 2012 theory for Iran's continued support of Bashar al-Assad's regime, despite the mass killing. "The main and central reason behind Iran's murderous embrace of the Assad regime," Amayreh explains, "has mainly to do with the immense hatred the Twelver Shiites (who follow the twelve god-like imams or saints) harbour for Sunni Muslims. " Such attitudes have become commonplace, despite a vocal contingent of anti-sectarian voices in the Syrian uprising. Although Amayreh is an Islamist writer, religiosity is not a prerequisite to today's sectarianism (if it ever was), as even those who never fast or pray will not hesitate to indulge in it.

AFP : #VIDEO: Obama warns Assad on... JoelCRosenberg : Assad threatens to retaliate... Syrian leader in Damascus threatens to retaliate against Israel for airstrikes. Netanyahu urges Israeli leaders to unite in face of Iran & Syria threats. In Uncategorized on March 3, 2013 at 12:16 pm Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, interviewed by the Sunday Times of London.

Syrian leader in Damascus threatens to retaliate against Israel for airstrikes. Netanyahu urges Israeli leaders to unite in face of Iran & Syria threats.

For almost four decades, the Israeli-Syrian border has been Israel’s quietest border, a Jewish publication recently noted. Now, however, tensions are mounting rapidly and the prospect of a serious conflagration there is growing steadily. “Bashar Assad vowed that Syria would retaliate against Israel for an airstrike on a weapons convoy in the Damascus area last month, which foreign news outlets attributed to the IDF,” reports Ynet News. Obama warns Assad on chemical weapons. Mossad vs Assad: 'Syrian rebels ally of Israel intelligence' Perfectsliders : #Syria US backs al QAEDA AND... #Syria US backs al QAEDA AND Iraq supports Assad...whats next? Mog7546 : #CIA ratchets covert operations... CIA ratchets covert operations in Iraq to fight al Qaeda. Onlinemag_nl : Assad: Amerikanen en Britten... ABCWorldNews : Obama on Syrian Opposition... Telegraaf : Obama en Poetin 'eens' over...

Het laatste buitenlandse nieuws leest u op [buitenland] AlArabiya_Eng : #Saudi Arabia warns of #Syria... Saudi Arabia warns of Syria crisis’ regional spillover. Al Arabiya With Agencies Tuesday, 26 March 2013 Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz, in a statement to the Arab League read by Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, warned of serious repercussions of the Syrian crisis on the Middle East’ regional security.

Saudi Arabia warns of Syria crisis’ regional spillover

King Abdullah said the Syrian regime of embattled President Bashar al-Assad is bent to spoil any initiative to achieve a diplomatic solution to the crisis. Syrian opposition representatives took the country's seat for the first time at an Arab League summit that opened in Qatar on Tuesday, a significant diplomatic boost for the forces fighting President Bashar Assad's regime. In a ceremonious entrance accompanied by applause, a delegation led by Moaz al-Khatib, the former president of the main opposition alliance - the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition - took the seats assigned for Syria at the invitation of Qatar's emir, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. “They ask who will rule Syria.