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Les amis d’HelloZack – HelloZack. Why you should ask questions at your next tech company interview. Launching a Product Soon? Check out: The Ultimate Product Launch Checklist! Getting ready to go to market is a crazy, exciting, and stressful time.

Launching a Product Soon? Check out: The Ultimate Product Launch Checklist!

Super Inspiring Leaders Have these 33 Characteristics. We tend to put great emphasis on leadership skills and ways we can learn and build them (and spend a ton of money on professional development each year, too).

Super Inspiring Leaders Have these 33 Characteristics

But if you really want to inspire the people around you, you need to focus on developing the characteristics that make you a standout leader. In fact, there are 33 characteristics employees find most inspiring about their colleagues and managers, according to new research conducted over three years by Mark Horwitch and Meredith Whipple Callahan at Bain & Co.

Out of those findings, they came up with four groups of characteristics, based on the types of interactions they’re most closely associated with: Fuck You Startup World – Startup Grind – Medium. Fuck your startup scene with your 30 minute morning routines of reading TechCrunch, TNW, Wired, Gizmodo, Mashable, The Verge and ProductHunt- all so you don’t feel ‘left out’.

Fuck You Startup World – Startup Grind – Medium

Fuck your weird fucking conversations, things like “OMG did you see Snapchat’s new feature? OMG Instagram is totally copying Snapchat? Brand Building Strategies for a Startup Budget – Productive. by Speedlancer. Une question de tempo. Customer Delight - Sujan Patel. How Uber, Airbnb, and Etsy Attracted Their First 1,000 Customers - HBS Working Knowledge - Harvard Business School. New businesses often struggle finding their first customers.

How Uber, Airbnb, and Etsy Attracted Their First 1,000 Customers - HBS Working Knowledge - Harvard Business School

The challenge is even more difficult with startups in the sharing economy that launch as platforms connecting independent service providers with consumers. Take Uber. Its platform is two-sided, connecting people who need rides with people who have rides to offer. Themacro. For weekly re­caps of The Macro, sign up here.


It is much eas­ier to talk to an in­vestor if they un­der­stand what your com­pany does. As a founder you’ll have to pitch your startup count­less times. To be ef­fec­tive, your pitch has to be clear and con­cise. What I'd tell myself about startups if I could go back 5 years. This is, in no particular order, what I'd tell myself about startups if I could go back in time to when I first got involved.

What I'd tell myself about startups if I could go back 5 years.

Which is probably the same as what I've learned. This is most definitely not advice, the "you" here is directed at me. So is "I". 34 Questions to Ask a Potential Co-Founder. Forming a productive Co-Founder team is a critical step in the process of building a company, yet many people simply jump into Co-Founder relationships without ever making sure their counterparts are on the same page.

34 Questions to Ask a Potential Co-Founder

For example, just because your Co-Founder is a long-time friend or family member doesn't mean that they want the same things that you do. To help potential Co-Founders identify issues and discuss important topics early on, Jessica Alter (Co-Founder & Chief Connector of FounderDating) created a list of 34 questions for Co-Founders to discuss in a blog post titled Questions to Ask Potential Cofounders: The Master List. Below we've highlighted the list of questions, broken into four categories: Personalities and Incentives.

Une question de tempo. Entrepreneuriat: Effectuation et lean startups, points communs et différences. Lean Startup: la méthode qui plante 93 start-up sur 100. The Hierarchy of Engagement. 30 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make — Alli Worthington. Whether it is developing a customer persona, learning to craft and use a messaging strategy, or discovering how individuals absorb content online.

30 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make — Alli Worthington

Foundational tasks cannot be skipped. 2. They expect fast results for minimal effort. It’s human nature to hope for a secret easy way to be successful. Who doesn’t want “6 weeks to success” or a magic product that makes the pieces line up? Post-mortem – naissance, vie et mort de ma startup — #fail. [Attention, long article, donc long temps de lecture à prévoir – mettez-vous dans de bonnes conditions pour l’apprécier ou prévoyez une lecture ultérieure !]

Post-mortem – naissance, vie et mort de ma startup — #fail

TL;DR En partant il y a presque 2 ans de l’incubateur HEC pour lancer une startup (sans encore en avoir l’idée fondatrice), je ne m’imaginais évidemment pas, 18 mois plus tard, m’être planté de manière aussi belle et « classique », perdant au passage un ami, de l’argent, la confiance de certains dans mon réseau, et quelques petits bouts d’égo. Cet article revient en détails sur le déroulé du projet, partage certains documents internes qui montrent les évolutions et pivots ainsi que quelques-unes de nos façons de travailler (et documente ainsi le démarrage, la vie et la mort d’une startup de manière assez transparente, ce qui me semble assez rare), et tente ensuite de mettre des mots — de mon point de vue personnel donc très subjectif — sur les leçons que j’en retire.

Sur le papier, tout va alors bien. Calendrier des “faits” Année 2011. Capital-risque: les règles du jeu que les entrepreneurs ignorent.