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Horizon Clinics is the ultimate resource to explore health and fitness content, emerging research data, and reviews of popular health supplements. Check out our in-depth blogs on diet plans, weight loss, disease prevention, workouts, stress management, and much more.

Salma Hayek Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips: Flawless Skin After 50. 09 Mar Salma Hayek Day and Night Time Skincare [Simple and Affordable] We take an exclusive sneak peek into Salma Hayek’s skincare routine to reveal the secrets of her ageless skin.

Salma Hayek Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips: Flawless Skin After 50

It’s more than genetics! Most of us would agree how gracefully Salma Hayek has aged. In spite of being 54 years old, she has managed to maintain the glow on her face. In fact, Salma Hayek skin care routine has gained quite a buzz recently. The stunning skin health of the 54-year-old is actually giving us a major inspo… Her firm, flawless, and naturally glowing skin makes it hard to believe her biological age. What’s the secret, though? Regardless of being a popular actress, she hasn’t gone for the cosmetic fix. The popular Hollywood options, botox, fillers, and thousand-dollar face creams are just not her types. Early Signs of Glucose Intolerance & Natural Treatment at Home. 21 Feb Glucose Intolerance – Symptoms, Causes, and At-Home Treatments Signs of early glucose intolerance include pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or impaired glucose tolerance.

Early Signs of Glucose Intolerance & Natural Treatment at Home

This is a transition phase between being diabetic or non-diabetic. Reduce Screen Time with These 8 Simple Life Changes. 19 Feb Tips to Reduce Screen Time | How to Set a Limit That Works?

Reduce Screen Time with These 8 Simple Life Changes

Posted at 16:24h in Lifestyle by Horizon Clinics A rapid uptick in screen time before bed has led to many health issues for younger ones and adults alike. The only way to compensate for the lack of sleep is to plan ahead and be consistent. Technology is the new black. We can’t sustain without gadgets. With schools and college classes and office meetings being held on mobile phones and laptops, it’s the need of the hour. Amidst all this, one thing nagged us all. We’re literally forging the lines of a Healthy Amount of Screen Time for Adults. 8 Signs of PTSD from a Past Relationship & How to Cure It?

11 Feb 8 Signs of PTSD from a Past Relationship | How to Deal with It?

8 Signs of PTSD from a Past Relationship & How to Cure It?

Relationships, being so intimate in nature, can be the reason for some of life’s most joyful experiences. Can Your Diet Improve Gut Microbiome and Prevent Diseases? 02 Feb Adjust Your Diet to Support a Healthy Gut Microbiome: Study Posted at 15:53h in Research by Horizon Clinics Besides association with specific diseases, Gut Microbiome has a significant impact on the immune system, heart, weight, and overall health.

Can Your Diet Improve Gut Microbiome and Prevent Diseases?

A recent study shows a strong correlation between diet and gut microbiome. Key Findings. Post Pregnancy Exercises to Heal Diastasis Recti at Home. 09 Jan 7 Exercises for Diastasis Recti New Moms can Do at Home Motherhood is a blessing for every woman.

Post Pregnancy Exercises to Heal Diastasis Recti at Home

Nonetheless, post-pregnancy changes can be frightening at first. Pregnancy leads to certain physical adjustments to give the baby enough space to develop. In some cases, the pulling apart of the Abdominis rectus muscle creates a wider gap between the right and left abs. This condition is called Diastasis recti. Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief: 6 Postures to Try Right Now. 31 Jan Beginner Level Yoga Postures and Stretches for Lower Back Pain Yoga has been one of the best forms of physical activities for mind-body alignment while offering deep physical therapy.

Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief: 6 Postures to Try Right Now

While it’s gentle in practice, some yoga postures can provide a much-needed relief from low back pain. Back pain is a common complaint among older adults. This is even more true when it comes to the lower back. Does A Pre Workout Work And Do You Need One For Energy? 28 Jan Does Pre-Workout Really Work and What Can It Do for You?

Does A Pre Workout Work And Do You Need One For Energy?

With its incredible performance-boosting benefits, pre-workouts have emerged as the top solution to all workout requirements. That’s because of the selective premium and effective inclusion. What Will Happen If You Give Up Sugar for a Month? 11 Jan Quitting Sugar for a Month?

What Will Happen If You Give Up Sugar for a Month?

These are the Changes You Can Expect! Causes of Snoring in Females and Home Remedies. 26 Jan Snoring in Females: What are Its Causes and Best Home Remedies According to orthodox conception, snoring and women are two contradictory words while being stigmatized with a certain level of abomination.

Causes of Snoring in Females and Home Remedies

Well, news flash, women do snore and just as loudly as men. Irrespective of these limiting beliefs, snoring in females is more of a medical condition than anything else. This blog is an attempt to find what causes snoring in females. Does Intermittent Fasting Help Lose Weight without Muscle Loss? 03 Dec The Basics of Intermittent Fasting & How to Make It Work for You? Intermittent fasting holds ground from an evolutionary and biological standpoint. However, a growing body of scientific evidence favors determining the “fasting window” to reap the maximum health benefits. Intermittent fasting continues to be one of the hottest topics for debate among the “health-conscious”. It has drastically changed the meaning we usually associate with dieting for weight loss.

Suddenly, fasting is no longer about recurring cycles of hunger pangs. Meanwhile, new research indicating its weight loss, metabolic, and neurological benefits keep piling up. Causes of Uterine Fibroids: Are There Warning Signs? 22 Jan What Causes Uterine Fibroids | Symptoms & Treatment Explained The exact causes of uterine fibroids are not yet known for certain. Though, it can be the result of multiple biological factors interacting with each other. Being diagnosed with uterine fibroids is actually a nightmare for many middle-aged women and older ones alike. Although it seldom is a cause for concern, the symptoms, when present, are bothersome, to say the least.

In simple terms, uterine fibroids are noncancerous growth in or on uterus walls that causes symptoms in moderate to severe cases. However, you can find solace in the fact that fibroids are rarely life-threatening and almost never develop into cancer. Can You Prevent Alzheimer’s If You Already Have the Genes? 11 Dec Genetic Risks in Alzheimer’s Prevention | Will You Pass It On? “A family history of Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t provide enough ground to say you’ll have it with certainty. However, it does increase the likelihood of you developing it later on, which requires effective measures to prevent Alzheimer’s” Alzheimer’s runs in the family!!

This common conception can be misgiving. In other words, it indirectly indicates the role of the gene in passing the ailment and that you cannot prevent Alzheimer’s. Certain genes can possibly develop Alzheimer’s disease. Genes are responsible for the functions of every cell in our body. Studies and research have been consistent tools for finding out the association of genes with the disease. Dr. Dre Aneurysm Update: What You Must Know About His Condition. 19 Jan Dr. Dre Discharged from the Hospital After Battling Brain Aneurysm The Sudden discovery of Dr. Dre Brain Aneurysm had sent waves of disbelief among his fans. However, thankfully, the famed American rapper has already been discharged from the hospital and is well on his road to recovery. Recently, Dr. This comes just a day after he was discharged from intensive care following a brain aneurysm. Can Eating Eggs Everyday Cause Diabetes and Heart Disease? 17 Jan Everyday Egg Consumption Linked to a Spike in Diabetes Diagnosis Posted at 22:53h in Research by Horizon Clinics Does eating eggs everyday cause diabetes?

Previous studies do suggest a strong correlation between diabetes and egg consumption. However, facts may rely on the frequency of consumption more than anything else. Eggs have always been under the scrutiny of the health-conscious, apparently, due to their high cholesterol content. On the Flip Side... Eggs are a powerhouse of protein and potassium. In spite of the controversies, it continues to be a part of a healthy breakfast all around the world. So, before you go ahead and toss out your carton of eggs, we need to put some things in perspective. Meniere’s Disease Symptoms & Treatment: Can You Get Rid of It? What Happens If You Quit Sugar for a Month: Is It Beneficial? The Effects of Depression on the Heart: Study Reveals Stats. Intermittent Fasting: Does It Work for Weight Loss [Research] Here are the Biological Effects of Addiction on Your Brain. 28 Dec This is Your Brain on Addiction: Trace the Biological Effects.

Research Shows Cognitive Decline Due to High Blood Pressure. 13 Dec Cognitive Decline Due to High Blood Pressure: Causes & Treatments Psychological effects of high blood pressure can increase the propensity to develop anxiety, depression, or brain stroke. Understanding the risk factors on time and making the necessary lifestyle changes can prevent these effects. Type of Stretching to Do Before and After Workout. Increase Testosterone with Push-Ups: Try These Variations. 03 Dec Push Ups and Testosterone | A Definitive Guide for Men. Mediterranean Diet for Heart Health - What You Need to Know.

New Year Health Goals in 2021 - Start This Year the Right Way. Stress Management Techniques to Battle Long-Term Symptoms. Vegan Diet for Athletes: Is a Plant-Based Diet Enough? The Most Interesting Facts About Coffee. What the Science is on Skipping Breakfast to Lose Weight? 03 Dec Does Skipping Breakfast Lead to Real Weight Loss? The health-conscious are quite fastidious about their breakfast and eating habits! Central Argument The concerns around calorie reduction have given ground to some new ideas in the weight loss community. The most common perception to date relates to skipping breakfast and weight loss. However, does skipping breakfast really lead to weight loss, and what’s the logical connection between weight loss and breakfast?

Aerobic Exercise May Postpone Metabolic Disorders: New Findings. 16 Dec Aerobic Exercise Postpones Degenerative and Metabolic Disorders. Top Six Tips to Relieve Anxiety on Your Own. Why Horizon Clinics: Curated Health Research & Supplements.