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DARPA Seeking to Tempt Innovative Independent Hackers with Streamlined Funding. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency who announced a new project called the “Cyber Fast Track” program back at ShmooCon in January of this year, says the new program is expected to allow the Pentagon to more quickly and easily integrate and fund independent hackers in order to help it tackle its growing cyber security needs.

DARPA Seeking to Tempt Innovative Independent Hackers with Streamlined Funding

Peiter Zatko, better known as “Mudge” from his former days as a freelance hacker in the L0pht group, is now a program manager at DARPA and is the leading proponent of this new Pentagon program. He discussed the new project which he is spearheading to help counter cyber-threats in more depth during his keynote at last week’s Black Hat 2011 security conference in Las Vegas Nevada. The project’s goal is supposedly to bridge the gap between independent hacker groups and government agencies. Zatko went on to state that in their current state, computer systems were needlessly complicated and thus were more vulnerable to attack.

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