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5 Fun Dessert Bar Ideas - So Simply Special. Wedding Blog: Smores Bar Desserts. Today, many brides and grooms are incorporating more of their own personal style into their wedding day.

Wedding Blog: Smores Bar Desserts

Many couples feel if they are going to spend thousands of dollars on this day, it should be one that they will enjoy and one that is filled with all things that they enjoy. So, when I ran across the idea of having a S’mores Bar during a wedding reception, I immediately fell head over heels in love … Spicy sweet potato coins. Hello there!

spicy sweet potato coins

If you are new here, you might want to sign up for RSS updates to be automatically notified of new content. Let’s hop in the way-back machine. Where are we going? How about back to a time when I blogged about the food that I cooked and took pictures of actual dishes. Remember that? Wedding Trends: Dessert Bar. If wedding cake isnt enough. Vase and Toasting Flutes Set. Kate spade new york gardner street toasting flutes.

Cupcake to eat :P

Cake to cut.