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Hokusai. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎, Katsushika Hokusai?) (1760-1849), connu plus simplement sous le nom de Hokusai (北斎), ou de son surnom de « Vieux Fou de la peinture », est un peintre, dessinateur spécialiste de l’ukiyo-e, graveur et auteur d'écrits populaires japonais. Son œuvre influença de nombreux artistes européens, en particulier Gauguin, van Gogh et Claude Monet, voire le mouvement artistique appelé japonisme. Il signa parfois ses travaux, à partir de 1800, par la formule Gakyōjin, « le Fou de dessin ».

Il est parfois vu comme le père du manga, mot qu'il a inventé et qui signifie à peu près « esquisse spontanée »[1]. 森本晃司 - Koji Morimoto (HTML) 国内・海外のアニメーションカルチャーをトップクラスで牽引し進化し続ける “アニメーション監督/映像作家/ヴィジュアルクリエイター/アートディレクター" メインクリエーターとして創設に携わり長年活動していたSTUDIO4℃から基点を離れ、2011年、Φphyという少数精鋭のクリエィティブチームを主宰し、現在制作活動を展開している。

森本晃司 - Koji Morimoto (HTML)

ビジュアルクリエイターとして世界各国のアートプロジェクトに参加、企業へのアートディレクションやCMやプロダクトデザイン、空間デザインなども行う。 現在、アニメーション表現と実写を駆使した、オリジナル実写映画の製作に強い意気込みを掲げている。 アイデアの源は常に「時間を撮りたい。 次元の壁を払拭し、 俯瞰した着眼点でこの世を観る」という存在の極を無くした”軸の無”である。 オリジナルの浮遊感は森本ならではのSF的手法と表現であり 広がる地平線、壮大なランドスケープ、緻密な路地裏など 現実世界と異世界を丁寧に織り交ぜた宇宙観の演出などは特化しており、 その夢のような世界を実現させる能力は唯一無二である。 1959年12月26日和歌山県生まれ。 SLAM BLOGSMA. INDUSCONCEPT.COM. - The Online Operations of Paul Richards. Sketch Of The Day. The recording of yesterday’s livestream is now on youtube if you missed it.

Sketch Of The Day

Check out my channel to see previous recordings as well :) I won’t be doing a normal stream next weekend due to the Ludum Dare game jam, which I’ll be participating in. I may end up streaming some of my work during the jam, but we’ll see how it goes! I am now live on, doing some painting and talking to the chat! Yearinmerde - barth. Snakes, Hawks &Tigers by Horimouja. Snake, Hebi They are said to have supernatural abilities, such as protection against illness, disaster, bad fortune and like the dragon can bring rain.

Snakes, Hawks &Tigers by Horimouja

Snakes have the ability to transform themselves into human forms, usually that of a vengeful, jealous or wronged woman. One of the best stories of this transformation is in the tragic story of Kiyoshime and the priest Anchin. Steve Huston. - Home. Blacky Web Blog. ReiQ's Art. Reinaldo Quintero's Art. Gorrem Home. BHEAD. PyramidCar! 70% EtOH. Illustration. Katoukikaku. Cake or death. Pinup Research & Development.

Celor's Daily Blog. GPZANG. HOPE GANGLOFF. PORTFOLIO AND STUDIO SITES. Yohann Schepacz. KimCogan. Sketchbook of dshong. 500 DESSINS. Mall. Elephant art. Here are some examples of elephants used in movies that you never even knew were there.

elephant art

The Bantha wich appeared in the first Star Wars movie, A New Hope, was played by an female Asian elephant in a large custom made costume. However, during shooting the elephant would frequently take off the costume because it wasn't accustom to the extra warmth generated from wearing it in the California heat. The same elephant was used as reference by ILM when they were working out the locomotion of the Imperial walkers. Aurélie Neyret illustration. N.O.M. Kekai Kotaki - Home. "키라트의 블로그" The Blog at Happy Rock. Phobs,heh. The Fairly Daily ButtGod.

I Don't Like Wet Socks. Felideus. 司淳インデックス. Okama_site. - Home. MISTERHIPP. >> the art of David levy. SKULLBITES. Lackadaisy. FEERIK conceptart. D U S S O. J e f f S i m p s o n A r t. Feng Zhu Design. DYNAMO ✮ Le blog officiel de la Grenouille Noire. Et hop, l’Invitation officielle au vernissage de mon exposition à Paris chez Arludik Galerie le 10 AVRIL!

DYNAMO ✮ Le blog officiel de la Grenouille Noire

J’espère vous y voir À trés bientôt ————— Here’s the official invitation for the opening of my exhibition in Paris at Arludik the 10th of APRIL! Hope to see you there See you very soon 2 weeks ago Tags : THE BLACK FROG | EXHIBITION | ART | ORIGINAL | SELL | Comments : REMINDER, MAGGOT ISSUE #6 — the last instalment of the series — WILL BE OUT ON THE 1RST OF MARCH — YES, THAT’S TOMORROW !!! The art of Matt Dixon - - by PKOKARTZ. Gorilla Artfare. Michael Kutsche - Character Design/ Concept Art/ Illlustration - home. Ashley Wood. Butterflies are still evil. - The Online Operations of Paul Richards. MASSIVE BLACK.

Android Arts. Greg Broadmore - Home. Welcome to the website of artist, writer and friend to robots, Greg Broadmore.

Greg Broadmore - Home

During the day he works as an illustrator, writer and conceptual designer for Weta Workshop and has designed for the motion pictures: District 9, King Kong, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Black Sheep amongst many, many others. Through Weta Workshop, he is the creator and designer of Dr. Grordbort's world of Rayguns and contraptions. Craig mullin. Keith Thompson Art. Adrian Smith. Garagarape - Fred. Barontieri Creative Designer. R E Y Y Y . c o m. CreatureBox. Guillaume Bonamy Sketchbook. Martin Wittig. Well, I am finally back from my Greece/ Russia trip.

Martin Wittig

I had an AWESOME time!!! Greece was just plain beautiful, and Russia was exciting as well. I did a lot of sketching as you can imagine, but I also took plenty of time to just relax. This is going to be a really crazy month for me, so I am glad to feel rested and ready to tackle the work ahead. M. Puncekar Illustration. ASHLEY WOOD. Felideus. Muddy Colors. MORE INK PLEASE. Hannes' Sandbox. Pinup Research & Development. Doug Kavanagh. Ink and Thunder. Felideus. Katsushika Hokusai - The complete works. Blog. 霊雨さん設定資料集 - Ms.ReiuSetMaterialCollection.