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Greenhouse Supplier Perth, Western Australia, Commercial Greenhouses Perth, Hydroponics Company Perth, Shade Houses WA, Hot Houses, Greenhouse Equipment - Argosee Greenhouse Technology. Greenhouse_Structures. YouTube. Greenhouse Megastore | Your exclusive source for hobby greenhouse kits, greenhouse and garden supplies, and much more! Four Season Farm - About Us - General Questions.

Greenhouse pic. Side bet greenhouse. Greenhouse overview. Nexus Greenhouse Systems :: Markets :: Commercial Growers. Nexus has been designing affordable greenhouse structures for you, the grower, since 1967. We have built our reputation on structures of uncompromising quality and the best customer service in the industry.

Our broad range of products use cutting edge technology in heating and cooling to plant movement and automation in our designs. Our energy efficient greenhouses will use coverings and ventilation methods to give you the most economical growing environment in the industry. You have been told to think outside the box for better ideas and innovations and when it comes to your greenhouse design, traditional manufacturers will force you to put your ideas inside their box. At Nexus we like the area outside the lines so let our in house engineering staff customize the greenhouse around your crops and growing systems.

Our experienced sales team can help you find the structure that fits your needs.