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The art of play

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Private Public Space at City Hall. Health Month. Blogging Innovation » Enhancing Creativity – Adult Games versus Kid Games. In my blog post, “How Can Goals Enhance Creativity” I said… “…As long as everyone in the organization believes they are playing a game which is designed to get them energized today, and it is not specifically about hitting the target, I can assure you that people will be more motivated.” Games can be a useful tool for enhancing creativity. They make work more fun, they reduce stress, and they get people in action. Not all games are created equally. There are adult games and kid games. With adult games, there tend to be rigid rules, the games have an ending, and there are winners and losers. Think about nearly every game we play: Monopoly, poker, or basketball. They typically have a complex set of rules that all of the players need to adhere to.

Adult games end. And nearly every adult game has a winner and one or more losers. Contrast this with kid games. Kids play games with very loose rules, the game continues until they say it ends, and there is no concept of winner/loser. DEPARTMENTOFPLAY.ORG. Wanna Come Out and Play? Community Engagement & Technology Development | MIT Center for Future Civic Media. [This post originally appeared on the MIT CoLab Radio blog, in Danielle Martin's Media Mindfulness column.]

When my old friend and collaborator Leo Burd returned to MIT as a research scientist for the Center for Future Civic Media (C4FCM), we started to gather some like-minded folks to discuss how media and mapping tools and youth civic engagement can intersect in the world of the Media Lab. Both of us have often been called a bridge or a translator between technology developers and underserved community members.

We see a value in equalizing the power that comes from self construction, blurring the role of creator and user. At first, we just wanted to be part of multi-directional conversations and find creative ways to document the ideas exchanged. Across what seemed like a very disparate set of projects, we found a common value in finding or making new technologies that are appropriate for youth use directly reflect on and affect change in their everyday worlds. Generating Ideas: The theory of creativity - PR and Public Relations feature - PR Week.

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