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SmartBlog on Education - Understanding STEM education funders - SmartBrief, Inc. SmartBlogs SmartBlogs. This past spring a client dedicated significant resources in response to a national solicitation to fund STEM education.

SmartBlog on Education - Understanding STEM education funders - SmartBrief, Inc. SmartBlogs SmartBlogs

Two months into the proposal writing effort, sequestration forced withdrawal of the funds. As organizations lose faith in the ability of the national government to respond to STEM funding needs they increasingly turn to local corporate, foundation and government sources. What do you need to know to initiate and sustain funding for STEM education in your community? STEM education funding comes from various sources: government, foundations and corporate sponsors. Independence Foundation. Delaware Valley Grantmakers. Welcome to The Philadelphia Foundation. The Pew Charitable Trusts - Non Profit Organization Serving the Public.

William Penn Foundation. Philadelphia.