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What is your body language saying? Narrowing the red margins of your lips is a clear sign of anger, while massaging your forehead can signal uneasiness. Brushing hair off your face is a combination of nerves and flirtationIf you nod in clusters of three, the speaker will sense your interestStuffing your hands in your pockets means you're probably hiding somethingIn a seated conversation, lifting your toes means your feelings are extra-positive ( -- Every last gesture -- whether it's a tilt of the head or plain fidgeting -- tells a story. Do you look down when you speak? Play with your hair? Lean to one side?

Learn what you're telling others with your body language -- and what others are telling you with theirs. What does your handwriting say about you? How to read faces • Brushing hair off your face This movement, a combination of nerves and flirtation, helps call attention to and frame your feminine assets (think face and neck) . • Smiling Botox be damned! Boost your brainpower. Yahoo! Groups - Join or create groups, clubs, forums & communities. Online club - for lower prices order online through 3D Chat and Dress Up. Shop in Style, Meet New People, Create Your Own Designs. Internet Groups | GroupBox. BigTent.