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Gluten Free Recipes

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Gluten Free Bread: Japanese Milk Bread is the Softest Bread Ever. This is about to knock your gluten free socks off: a loaf of super soft gluten free bread that is easy to make, and doesn’t intimidate (I’m here for you!).

Gluten Free Bread: Japanese Milk Bread is the Softest Bread Ever

BOOM! Have you ever heard of Japanese Water Roux (Tangzhong)? As a card-carrying member of the Food Dorks Academy, I love learning what other cultures do to make bread. And then I hunker down and bury myself in figuring out how to make it into gluten free bread for us. I might not be the most fun at parties any more.

But if you make this supersoft gluten free bread that stays fresh forever, you might just see that I’m tons of fun in the kitchen. This is what it looks like. Top 20 Gluten-Free Bread Recipes ... Yes, Really! This post may contain affiliate links.

Top 20 Gluten-Free Bread Recipes ... Yes, Really!

If you purchase through them, your cost will stay the same, but gfe will receive a few cents for every dollar spent. The Best Gluten Free Bread: Top 10 Secrets To Baking It RightGluten-Free on a... [pinit]

The Best Gluten Free Bread: Top 10 Secrets To Baking It RightGluten-Free on a...

Soft Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Recipe that's Easy to Make! The words ‘Soft’ and ‘Gluten Free’ are rarely used in the same sentence – and for good reason… Most gluten free baked goods are dry, crumbly and taste like recycled rice cakes.

Soft Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Recipe that's Easy to Make!

Why for the love of Pete (whoever he is), can we put a man on the moon, but can’t make a gluten free bread that doesn’t require toasting it first so we can eat it without falling apart?! Good news my friends… Soft, Gluten Free Sandwich Bread, Pizza Crusts & Hamburger Buns do exist! It starts with having the right combination of my ‘Erika’s All Purpose Gluten Free Flour Mix‘ paired with the perfect ratio of other ingredients and a careful cooking method.

But that doesn’t mean you need to be a rocket scientist to make it… in fact this recipe is so easy, my kids help me with it all of the time and it still turns out great! The special tools featured in this recipe are: Hortus Natural Cooking – Naturally Italian. Baking basics – Understanding Flo... Here I made a list of various kinds of flours used in baking and pasta making.

Hortus Natural Cooking – Naturally Italian. Baking basics – Understanding Flo...

It is a very approximate summary, and I encourage you to do further research on each kind of flour to better understand their nutritional properties. Still, this list serves as a good sum-it-up to navigate the vast sea of baking ingredients. The calorie amount indicated here is an approximate to get the idea of how the flours compare to each other. Always check the package you buy for the precise nutrient content. (I buy my flour from a local mill. White Wheat FlourKcal per 100g: 345 The classic white flour, which has been stripped of all nutrients. From the left: chestnut, Farro, Chickpea, Brown Rice, Oat and Millet Flours.

Girl with Spoon: Gluten-Free Asian Dumplings Wrappers. I love dumplings of all kinds: Chinese potstickers, Japanese gyoza, Polish pierogi.

Girl with Spoon: Gluten-Free Asian Dumplings Wrappers

Dumplings have been one of the hardest things for me to give up on my gluten-free diet. Also, unlike gluten-free pasta and pizza, which is easy to find in many supermarkets and even restaurants these days, g-free and allergen-free dumplings and dumpling wrappers are evasive. and some Whole Foods, but the fillings contain soy and sesame, which are verboten for many people with allergies. (I'll include a soy and sesame-free dumpling filling in a later post!) They were excellent starting points and include many great tips on working with the dough, which I'll share with you below. But the combination of white rice (for tenderness) and tapioca flour (for lightness and stretch) still left me with a dough that dried out very quickly and cracked when folded over the filling. So I added glutinous rice flour to the mix.

For about 15 potsticker-sized dumpling wrappers, you will need: Vegetarian Steamed Pork Buns (Bao) Image © 2011 Liv Gluten-Free Vegetarian Steamed Pork Buns (Bao) Makes 16 buns At home we eat almost exclusively meat free, so I’ve made this verision with shiitake mushrooms and tofu.

Vegetarian Steamed Pork Buns (Bao)

Feel free to use cooked roast pork instead for a more authentic Char Siu Bao. For the Dough: 1 packet dry yeast (1 packet contains 7 grams of dry yeast) 2 tablespoons lukewarm water 1 teaspoon sugar plus 1/4 cup sugar, separated 1 1/4 cup cornstarch 1/2 cup tapioca starch 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons brown rice flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup warm water 1/2 cup warm milk 2 tablespoons butter or margarine (room temperature) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Zhu Rou Bao Zi (Steamed Pork Buns) Pork Buns zhu rou bao zi You won’t find these tasty snacks at the fine dining palaces of Beijing—instead, you’ll see Zhu rou baozi in the side streets and alleys of that super-metropolis.

Zhu Rou Bao Zi (Steamed Pork Buns)

Understandably, the city bureaucrats, and even the central government in Beijing, want to modernize out of existence the seamier side of Chinese life; unfortunately, this includes the unlicensed, unsightly, and occasionally unsanitary street vendors to whom iron-gutted foodies like myself owe their most memorable experiences. In Beijing, during the long run up to the Olympics, the city all but eradicated these makeshift entrepreneurs, and replaced them with spiffy, red-aproned employees in ticky-tacky boxes, all in a row, calling it street food. The China daily shows off these sanitized street stalls in a small photo gallery featuring the more exotic morsels sold there.

Baozi are sold in many configurations, small to large, fried and steamed, steamed and in southern China, baked. Gluten-free whole grain muffins. Behold our favorite muffins.

gluten-free whole grain muffins

You want to know why? They are are almost entirely whole grain — with good fiber and protein from flours such as quinoa, corn, sorghum, and brown rice — and therefore packed with a punch of nutrition for the morning. They are slightly sweet, not the blaring sugar fix of the holidays, but a faint sweetness in the mouth, a slow sunrise of a smile. They have a tender crumb, without a touch of the hippy denseness of whole-grain gluten muffins. These muffins sing. These muffins have apricots and pecans in them, surprises in several bites. We are never using another muffin recipe than this one.