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13 tillägg som gör WordPress admin bättre. Jetpack ger flera efterlängtade funktioner för WordPress. Jetpack är ett tillägg som ger dig som kör en egen installation av WordPress en rad funktioner som finns på gratistjänsten Du får statistik, en Twitter-widget, finesser för att dela dina bloggposter via sociala nätverk, och en hel del annat. För dig som har använt WP ett tag och botaniserat en del bland alla tillägg, kommer Jetpack inte tillföra några stora saker, men för nybörjaren är det ett bra paket. Många tycker det är svårt att förstå skillnaden mellan och

De börjar att blogga på gratistjänsten, för att sedan skaffa webbhotell med installationen från En egen WP-installation är mycket friare och bättre, men en standardinstallation saknar flera funktioner som erbjuder. Jetpack är ett WordPress-tillägg som innehåller flera funktioner: StatsTwitter WidgetGravatar ShortlinksSharedaddyLaTeXAfter the DeadlineShortcode Embeds Läs vidare: Så skaffar du WordPress på egen domän. Introducing Thirty Ten, my guide to creating a Twenty Ten Child Theme | WordPress 3.0 is introducing a new theme that is light years ahead of Kubrick (also known as the old WordPress default), that looks so good you won’t even mind running it on a live site.

In addition to being a beautiful theme in it’s own right, it’s also easy to build upon and create your own child themes for. I’ll show you just how easy it is to make some substantial changes. We are going to move the two column Twenty Ten to a three column theme I’m going to call Thirty Ten. I’m going to lay out a couple of ground rules for myself when building this theme: I’m not allowed to override any of the template files with my own version. The first step is to create a theme folder and put a blank style.css and functions.php in it. My next step is to follow the sage advice: “good artists borrow, great artists steal” and will use the 3c-fixed.css layout style from thematic.

So in four lines of css, I’ve switched Twenty Ten from a two column theme to a three column theme. Like this: Like Loading... How to Use Custom PHP Functions and Shortcodes in WordPress | Glass Ocean. I touched on this subject before in my previous article titled WordPress Tip: the_category Without Links, which focuses on the WordPress get_category function, but I decided to write this article so I can focus more on the general implementation of PHP functions with WordPress, and so that people will have an easier time locating these tips via a web search. Some WordPress plugins require you to add shortcodes to your pages/posts to utilize the plugin, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were already using shortcodes.

Whether or not you’ve had any experience using WordPress shortcodes, this tutorial has what you need to get started. Step 1: Create the user-functions.php file The user-functions.php file will contain our custom functions and shortcodes. Create a new text file named user-functions.php and copy/paste the following code into the file: Save this file and upload it to your active theme folder. Step 2: Instruct WordPress to load the user-functions.php file [hello] Hello World! WordPress Theme Hacks. WordPress was originally created as a weblog or blog platform. But now WordPress has grown so powerful that you can use it to create any type of website and use it as a Content Management System (CMS). In this article, I'm going to share some of my WordPress tricks with you on how to make a better WordPress theme. I'm not a programmer nor developer, so I will focus more on the frontend development.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that WordPress has made it so easy that even a non-programmer (designer like me) can build a wonderful website. WordPress Conditional Tags Conditional Tags are very useful when creating a dynamic WordPress theme. Dynamic Highlight Menu Here is what I used to create a dynamic highlight menu on Best Web Gallery. <ul id="nav"><li<? Dynamic Title tag Again, I use Conditational Tags to output dynamic <title> tag in the header.php. Dynamic Content If you want to include a file that will only appear on the frontpage, here is the code: Feature post highlighting <? <? Query Posts <? How to create a wordpress magazine theme using Twenty Ten – Part 1. This is part one of a short series outlining how to tweak a wordpress template to get some magazine style functionality. Part two is live! I’m in the process of updating installations of wordpress for our students to use. In one sense it’s a stop gap measure as we are in the process of commissioning a more “industrial strength” system for them.

But even with a new system in place I think we will still leave some courses the option of going the wordpress route. The magazine students for example, love the flexibility (and low level of tech) that design templates offer. It doesn’t seem to have done them any harm in terms of nominations. When it comes to design, finding a wordpress template you like is half the battle, there are thousands out there. It’s tempting to pay for a template you like – nothing wrong with that. Hacking around like this is how I learnt a lot of stuff about wordpress and it’s also a way to get your feet wet with a programming language. That’s it. The design Spotting PHP.