Hocus Pocus Studio
Hocus Pocus Studio is a leading London animation studio making films for brands, businesses and agencies across the world. Motion design and video production for social, broadcast and film. From commercials to title sequences, explainers to cinemagraphs, gifs, loops, and game trailers we make films with spirit.
Princess R Evolution. Deepfakes: How They Will Change Corporate And Advertising Content Production. Dinosaurs in the Wild. B2B Doesn't Have to Be B2Boring. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.
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REM-FIT: Sleep 400 Mattress. Hocus Pocus Studio. 10 Effective Techniques to Improve Your Video Content. 1.
What’s the point? Don’t make a video for the sake of it. Victoria Plum: TVC. The 5 OGs of Video Marketing - Hocus Pocus. Online video marketing is booming in 2021.
From Tiktoks and Instagram stories through to new gen explainer videos and interactive pieces, it’s hard for an animation studio to keep up to speed, never mind a business looking to take its first steps in video marketing. At Hocus Pocus Studio, we’re lucky enough to work on a huge range of categories of these marketing videos, so here’s our take on the traditional big pillars of the video marketing world. Because we’re self-professed experts, and dead clever, we’re going to also list these as they relate to a buyer journey. Software AG: Adabas & Natural. BNY Mellon: CTOC. American Express: Nurture Social Videos. Scotch-Brite: Fresh. Different Creative Jobs In The Animation Process. There are many different creative jobs in the animation production process, each with their own specific skills.
In many cases within the design or animation stages the skills can be transferred, allowing the creatives to work on more than one discipline within the project. However, a creative can only take on a discipline if they can produce the work to the required standard, in all areas there are people who spend their whole careers focusing solely on one of the disciplines – although this is becoming increasingly rare. Every animation project is obviously bespoke made, therefore a discipline may or may not be needed. Let’s take a look at some of the different creative jobs in the animation process. Westin: Let's Rise. Video Marketing — The Incredible ROI.
Video is an incredibly powerful, naturally persuasive medium that can move using a unique way.
Video can engage, inform and entertain in a way unlike any other tool available to brands and businesses. Filmmaking Revolution from 1895 to 2020. The film industry is often at the forefront of technological advancements and filmmaking revolutions.
The impact of technology is visible almost in all segments of film-making and production – narrative techniques, equipment, graphics, sound effects, and more. The history of film is filled with advances that have changed the way of how a movie is produced and how the audience enjoys it. It was in 1895 that the first projected moving pictures were presented to the audience in Paris, France by the Lumiere brothers. Since then the film industry has revolutionised in many ways. From the first motion projection to modern computer-generated graphic films, the industry has continued to innovate better ideas for filming. 7 Filmmaking Revolutions & Technological Advances that Changed the Film Industry Today, film production uses various processes, techniques, and equipment such as HD (high-definition) cameras, computer-generated graphics and backgrounds. 1) The Lumiere Brothers.
LEGO: Play Tips. Lived Experiences: Highlights Montage. Video Moves Us - Hocus Pocus. Social Media Video Making Tips — Optimize for views - Hocus Pocus London - Medium. Hocus Pocus Studio Social Media Video Reel. Keep Calm and Animate! - Hocus Pocus. HocusPocus Showreel Feb 2020. What Length Should My Video Be? - Hocus Pocus. Hocus Pocus Studio: Teaser Reel. Big Voice, Little Voice - Hocus Pocus. This much we’ve learned as an animation studio: Big companies want to appear small, small companies want to appear big.
Small is cute, trustworthy, hand-rendered, authentic. All the values you don’t normally associate with a business you’re looking to buy electricity or insurance from. Nowhere is this clearer than in the style of voiceover chosen. As big business looks to reassure, comfort and ultimately make us part with our cash, it does so through the unthreatening regional tones of plump dinner ladies offering another spoon of custard. ‘Here at WE GAS we know we’re all in these difficult times together’ whispered like your kind Auntie pressing a shiny fifty pence piece into your palm, no mention of the bewildering tariffs that lie beneath. It cuts both ways of course. Selecting An Animation Studio Won’t Be A Problem Now. The video you present to the public is a direct reflection of your brand.
And because you have to clear several boundaries, both geographic and mental, you need to put it in the right way. Sending out a loud and clear message becomes quite difficult while crossing so many layers. Hence, there is a sheer need of hiring one right organization that knows how to cross people’s minds and enter their hearts.