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Acercamientos y distanciamientos suramericanos, 2008. Colombia en los escenarios de integración, 2007. Relanzamiento Comunidad Andina, 2004. Sistema mixto elecciones BY Sudarsky, 2012. Entienda todo el lío por el poder ambiental en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Se ha discutido mucho, durante las últimas semanas, sobre cuál entidad debe tener la autoridad ambiental en Bucaramanga, Girón, Piedecuesta y Floridablanca: ¿El Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga (AMB) o la Corporación Autónoma Regional para la Defensa de la Meseta de Bucaramanga (Cdmb)?

Entienda todo el lío por el poder ambiental en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga

Si bien un fallo del Consejo de Estado en el papel le devolvió ese poder a la Cdmb, hay todo un lío de interpretación jurídica que tiene enfrentadas a las dos entidades. El tema en discusión va más allá del simple título de autoridad o del interés de cada bando por preservar el medio ambiente. Para empezar existe un botín presupuestal, representado nada menos y nada más que en $65 mil millones anuales correspondiente al recaudo de la sobretasa ambiental. Lea también: Alcaldes del área: ¿A qué entidad le girarán los recursos de la sobretasa ambiental? Lea también: Cdmb dice que desde ya asume la autoridad ambiental del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga Linea de tiempo. Veinte años de institucionalidad ambiental en Colombia 1994-2014 BY A Jerez, 2015. GUHL & LEYVA (2015) - Gestión ambiental en Colombia 1994-2014.

Ajuste de las CAR BY F Canal, 2007. List of presidents of the United States. Wikipedia list article We ask you, humbly: don't scroll away.

List of presidents of the United States

Hi, reader in Canada, it seems you use Wikipedia a lot; that's great! This is the 9th appeal we've shown you. It's awkward, but this Wednesday we need your help. We don't charge a subscription fee. Thank you! Since the office was established in 1789, there have been 45 presidencies, while 44 men have served as president. Joe Biden is due to become the 46th president on January 20, 2021. The presidency of William Henry Harrison, who died 31 days after taking office in 1841, was the shortest in American history. Of those who have served as the nation's president, four died in office of natural causes (William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Throughout most of its history, American politics has been dominated by political parties. Presidents President-elect of the United States Subsequent public office Three former presidents held another U.S. federal office after serving as president.

See also Notes References External links. List of popes. Wikimedia list article Plaque commemorating the popes buried in St.

List of popes

Peter's (their names in Latin and the year of their burial) This chronological list of popes corresponds to that given in the Annuario Pontificio under the heading "I Sommi Pontefici Romani" (The Supreme Pontiffs of Rome), excluding those that are explicitly indicated as antipopes. Published every year by the Roman Curia, the Annuario Pontificio no longer identifies popes by regnal number, stating that it is impossible to decide which pope represented the legitimate succession at various times.[1] The 2001 edition of the Annuario Pontificio introduced "almost 200 corrections to its existing biographies of the popes, from St Peter to John Paul II".

List of Roman emperors. Wikipedia list article The territory under command of the emperor had developed under the period of the Roman Republic as it invaded and occupied most of Europe and portions of northern Africa and western Asia.

List of Roman emperors

Under the republic, regions of the empire were ruled by provincial governors answerable to and authorised by the Senate and People of Rome. List of presidents of Colombia. Wikipedia list article The House of Nariño, the president's official residence and centre of the administration.

List of presidents of Colombia

List of English monarchs. List article This list of kings and queens of the Kingdom of England begins with Alfred the Great, who initially ruled Wessex, one of the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms which later made up modern England.

List of English monarchs

Alfred styled himself King of the Anglo-Saxons from about 886, and while he was not the first king to claim to rule all of the English, his rule represents the start of the first unbroken line of kings to rule the whole of England, the House of Wessex.[1] Arguments are made for a few different kings thought to control enough Anglo-Saxon kingdoms to be deemed the first king of England. For example, Offa of Mercia and Egbert of Wessex are sometimes described as kings of England by popular writers, but it is no longer the majority view of historians that their wide dominions are part of a process leading to a unified England.

Historian Simon Keynes states, for example, that "Offa was driven by a lust for power, not a vision of English unity; and what he left was a reputation, not a legacy.